Results 321 to 330 of 439
11-05-2010, 01:09 AM #321
One smooth thistle...
Razor: Thistle Cut Co.
Cream: Proraso in scuttle
Prep: Hot towel
After: BodySource AS
A 2 pass shave with the baby looking on from the 'excersaucer' throne. He seemed quite amused by me putting on a white foam beard and then wiping it off with a piece of metal a few times. Shaved off a 6 day beard oh-so easily, this is some sweet American steel! Feeling peaceful from the shave and human from the return to smooooth.
11-05-2010, 01:19 AM #322
11-05-2010, 01:37 AM #323
11-05-2010, 01:58 AM #324
Ever time I see that brush stand, I get very jealous. It truly is a work of art. Kudos to your brother (if memory serves me right) for making it for you. Tell him that there's one guy (at the very I am sure a lot of us here share the sentiment) that appreciates this masterpiece
11-05-2010, 05:05 AM #325Rooney 1/2 Finest // MWF // Case Temperite 5/8 // Alt-Innsbruck
This is my first restore and I've been testing some hones on it recently. Shaved for 2 days with a coti edge and the past 2 says with an edge from my new JNat. Very smooth shaves and I'm trying to figure out what kind of JNat I received (330mate one, took a gamble). Going to put an escher edge on it tomorrow and see if I notice an increased sharpness and if I do I'd rate my new stone in the 10-12k range. Many more tests are needed though for me to get a true idea. If I don't notice an edge improvement then I'd say I got a good stone, but still many tests to go.
11-05-2010, 05:16 AM #326
11-05-2010, 05:30 AM #327
I haven't played around with it enough to say yet, but to my surprise I think I get a smoother edge from the JNat. Sharpness is about the same, which is why I'm taking it to an escher tomorrow to see just where the JNat fits. To few tests to say for certain.
It has me intrigued though as it is very smooth and I think I'll spend a bit more money to get a quality JNat from a reputable dealer in the future to see if it matches my escher edges while maintaining that smoothness that I get from this one. If it does that could lead to a very dangerous AD.
11-05-2010, 10:50 AM #328Fili DT 13 | Kanayama | Ever-Ready C40 w/ TGN | Bomb Boheme | Thayer's Lavender | Bomb Boheme ASB | Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier Route de Vetiver
What a start to the day. The first two blades I reached for (my "Solgen" and my W&B) each made a strange sound when I began stropping. I looked at the blades and noticed on each one the light danced funny along the edge. Took a quick feel and both edges have rough spots... So, I decided I'd respond the only way a man can to pick his spirits up off the floor, I reached for my Fili that Glen put such a wicked edge on. After inspecting it to make sure nothing had happened to this blade, I reached for another element of my morning shave that was sure to put me in a better place - my new Bomb Boheme. Within moments, the shave den was filled with a rich aroma of flowers and earthy undertones. The lather was amazing and the bounce returned to my step. The Fili did it's job in spades and I finished with a silky smooth face. A splash of Thayers and some Boheme ASB later and my face was hydrated. With all these florals, I needed something gritty to tie it all together, that's where the V came in. MPG Route de Vetiver was just the ticket to give it all that manly edge.
A great week of shaves, gentlemen, keep on posting!
11-05-2010, 11:09 AM #329
SOTD 11-5-2010
Prep: Hot towell
Scuttle: SRD
Brush: TGN Custom Silvertip Premium A
Uberlather: J.M. Fraser Mosswood cream, SRD Lime soap, 5 drops glycerin
Strop: SRD Premium IV English Bridle 25/50
Razor: Kobar "Souvenir of Bremerhaven"
Aftershave: Pinaud Clubman
Result: The Mosswood and Lime are a perfect match. The lather was very rich and creamy with an intoxicating scent. The razor was stropped to perfection and the sharpness of the blade was of true surgical precision. Blade welded to flesh and the sound of departed whiskers filled the air. I start thinking to myself "You have finally got this down, it is almost effortless". Well, let's just say that pride truly comes before the fall as I gave myself a nice slice on the's always hard to finish the shave at this point, I did, but not very close, not very clean, and certainly not "effortless". I finished with some Styptic and Pinaud Clubman as it compliments the Mosswood/lime combo very nicely. Even with the slice, the journey this morning was still one that I would take again.
Have a great Friday gentlemen, you've earned it
11-05-2010, 12:08 PM #330