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Thread: Sun July 17th - Sat July 23rd

  1. #281
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Saturday

    No SOTD post for me today. I'll resume posting tomorrow.

    Yes, we love with fond devotion,
    This our land that looms.
    Rugged, storm-scarred o'er the ocean,
    With her thousand homes.
    Love her, in our love recalling,
    Those who gave us birth.
    And old tales which night, in falling,
    Brings as dreams to earth.
    And old tales which night, in falling,
    Brings as dreams, as dreams to earth.

    This country Harald united
    with his army of heroes,
    this country Håkon protected
    whilst Øyvind sung;
    upon the country Olav painted
    with his blood the cross,
    from its heights Sverre spoke
    up against Rome.

    Farmers their axes sharpened
    wherever an army advanced,
    Tordenskiold along the coastline thundered
    so that we could see it back home.
    Even women stood up and fought
    as if they were men;
    others could only cry
    but that soon would end!

    Sure, we were not many
    but we were enough,
    when we were tested sometimes,
    and it was at stake;
    we would rather burn our land
    than to declare defeat;
    just remember what happened
    down at Fredrikshald!

    Hard times we have coped with,
    were at last disowned;
    but in the worst distress, blue-eyed
    freedom was to us born.
    It gave (us) father's strength to carry
    famine and war,
    it gave death itself its honour -
    and it gave reconciliation.

    The enemy threw away his weapon,
    up the visor went,
    we, in wonder, to him hastened,
    because he was our brother.
    Driven forth to a stand by shame
    we went to the south;
    now we three brothers stand united,
    and shall stand like that!

    Norseman in house and cabin,
    thank your great God!
    The country he wanted to protect,
    although things looked dark.
    All the fights fathers have fought,
    and the mothers have wept,
    the Lord has quietly moved
    so we won our rights.

    Yes, we love this country
    as it rises forth,
    rugged, weathered, above the sea,
    with those thousand homes.
    And as the fathers' struggle has raised
    it from need to victory,
    even we, when it is demanded,
    for its peace will encamp (for defence).
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  • #282
    Senior Member Sailinblues's Avatar
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    Name:  SOTD72311A.jpg
Views: 496
Size:  271.6 KB

    M&F Horny Blonde
    38C w/ Mallee Burl & Resonate Handle
    Polsilver Blade
    Floris Elite SS
    Humphreys Witch Hazel
    1902 Naturelle EDT
    Have a Peaceful Day!

  • #283
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    Default Late night saturday shave

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 1
    Razor: Filarmonica DT 13
    Honing Regimen: La Grise Coticule-CrOx
    Strop: 30/60 Neil Miller Linen/English bridle
    Soap: Ralph Lauren Safari
    After shave: D.R. Harris Sandalwood
    Results: Not quite as nice as usual today, maybe it was some subconscious tension after yesterdays events that made it? Or was it the lather? No idea, but I got a couple minor nicks, haven't had one those in months Overall I would say todays shave was mediocre +

    My thought goes out to all those who got hurt and those who lost loved ones yesterday!
    Need help or tutoring? Check out the  .


  • #284
    Senior Member kelebekcc's Avatar
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    Penworks Silvertip Shaving Brush
    Merkur Progress Safety Razor
    Perma-Sharp Blade (3)
    Palmolive Shaving Stick
    Thayers Alcohol-Free Toner Rose Petal
    Nivea Sensitive Aftershave Balm
    Last edited by kelebekcc; 07-23-2011 at 09:22 PM.

  • #285
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Default SOTD_7.23.2011

    Rudy Vey | Tabula Rasa Dark Lavender | FON Golden Star Deluxe | Alum | Sabon Aftershave Cream | ELDO Charogne

    Name:  SOTD_7.23.2011.jpg
Views: 365
Size:  61.9 KB

  • #286
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    Saturday Night

    Kropp 6/8 - Boots Soap - NF2213 - Alum - Blue Stratos AS
    Name:  23Jul11.jpg
Views: 325
Size:  93.7 KB
    Very clean.

  • #287
    Senior Member Teiste's Avatar
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    Art of Shaving lavender SC/Simpson 55 brush/Muhle R89 with KAI/Weleda Balsam

  • #288
    Member Coloradoveto's Avatar
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    A very somber good evening gentlemen.

    Aos preshave oil
    Aos best badger brush
    Aos unscented cream
    Joseph Rodgers extra hollow
    Ruprazor filly strop
    Styptic, alum, thayers witch hazel
    Thiels razor burn balm
    Aos aftershave balm

    New blade for me and I must say I love it. I think my honing and stropping is coming along. Best shave yet. Two passes. No irritation!

    Name:  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1311468145.631255.jpg
Views: 330
Size:  30.3 KB

  • #289
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Shavemac D01
    Razor: Revisor
    Cream: Fitjar, Neoli
    AS: Old Spice, Fresh Lime
    Strops: Neil Miller (linen/cardovan today)
    Result: Very,very clean
    Where do people get the little lizard shaver holders from?
    sharp, Jeltz, Mikael and 4 others like this.
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  • #290
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hogrider View Post

    Just fixed the pic...sorry for obstructing the gear; photo now straight.

    Hot shower + Proraso preshave cream
    Filarmonica - Last production and a gift from Mrs. HOG
    Virgilio Valobra in antique silver shaving mug~Late 1920's
    Brass handle brush hog's hair
    Ogallala Bay Rum
    Phenomenal shave, the Filarmonica though not as sharp as I'd like delivered a close BBS shave.HOG

    Now THAT, Sir, is a shaving mug!
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

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