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Thread: Sun October 23rd - Sat October 29th

  1. #221
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    WOW! Some amazing shaves I've missed over the last week! I apologize for my absence. Allow me to explain:
    We've undergone a lot of restructuring at work and there were rumors of a big realignment of happened and I'm not impacted (HUGE relief) and I've even been put in charge of recruiting and hiring.
    I've been doing quite a bit of photography work as of late (weddings, babies, families, etc) so I officially founded my own company.
    My older sister got married and I performed the ceremony.
    I called my phone company to let them know that they were priced out of the market for their internet service and they agreed to double my DSL speed AND reduce my monthly bill...then I lost internet until Monday!
    I'm still catching up from all of this, but I'll be back tomorrow with a photo and shave. I felt bad shaving without posting, so I kept it simple and have used only 1 razor and will use it tomorrow as well so I can finally post it.

    Thanks a million guys, It's been a lot of fun looking at all your amazing photos and gear!

  2. #222
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Great shaves fellas...Just fantastic.
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    T: Glad you're feeling better. That W&B would make anyone feel better

    Matt: Have a smooth move

    Mike: Feel better bro...That flu doesn't last too long

    Paul: have fun camping. Make sure when you get back, you shake that bear for critters that may have taken refuge in there,

    Rene: Glad you like the the RazoRock. The best of the bunch, imo, is the wax. A splendid balm indeed. PS: How did the brush clean up turn out?

    Glenn: glad to hear that things are less stressful now at work and congrats for getting your photo hat on. Would love to see your site (if you can share) and congrats to your sister getting married. Man, when it rains it pours

    I am going to be incognito for the next couple of weeks with my comments and I apologize in advance for this.

    baldy, DOOM, sharp and 8 others like this.

  3. #223
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    Default Thursday

    Good Morning,

    Thursday has come round quickly this week, looking forward to a day off tomorrow.

    Prep: Shower
    Strop: SRD, Premium 1 Leather, 30, 70
    Brush: Muhle, Badger
    Soap: Cella, Crema Sapone
    Razor: Wacker, 6/8" Spanish point, Inox, Olive wood scales
    Finish: Allume Di Rocca Naturale
    EDC: Jo Malone, Dark Amber and Ginger Lily.

    Out all evening yesterday, scouring Doha for anything remotely connected to Halloween.

    Quick 2 pass shave for me this morning,

    Have a great Day
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  4. #224
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Pre-Shave: Hot shower with Real Shaving Exfoliating Face Scrub
    Brush: 24mm Custom Snakewood Silvertip Super Badger
    Razor: Thiers-Issard 6/8 "Le Canadien" in Black Horn
    Strop: 25 on the web, 25 on the black latigo, 50 on the Premium IV English Bridle
    Lather: DR Harris Marlborough with Life Brand Glycerin
    Astringent: Life Brand Witch Hazel
    After Shave Balm: T&H Grafton
    Post: A nice, but not too nice, Valpolicella
    Comments: The beautiful Thiers-Issard steel sang its Carbonsong all over my face for a very enjoyable shave. As always, the full write-up to follow in my Noob Chronicle thread

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  5. #225
    Senior Member fonthunter's Avatar
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    Default SODT -- Thursday

    Good morning friends!

    PREP: Floïd Sandolor Pre Shave Gel
    BRUSH: KENT BK12 Pure Badger
    SOAP/CREAM: Mama Bear's Caribbean Glycerin Shave Soap
    RAZOR: 6/8" Wacker Jubiläumsmesser 2010 Mod.2 Full Hollow Ground w/ laser etched spine, French Point (Blond Horn scales)
    STROP: Kanayama Cordovan #30000
    SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG / XTG
    AS: L'occitane CADE After-Shave Balm
    COLOGNE: Aqua Di Parma Colonia Intensa
    RESULT: Smooth, BBS shave

    Have a great shave everyone!
    Life is like a cup of tea... it's all in how you make it...

  6. #226
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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  7. #227
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Back to work today with the remnants of one of those common colds one gets on the changeover of Winter and Spring. I do like this weather though, with everything growing madly and all the animals and birds and things buzzing around. Had to be careful not to hit an Emu that was grazing close to the road as I drove home (I post my posts after work so I coincide with the time most of the others on the other side of the planet post).

    The shave was nice; the Burrell did a fine job. I’ve noticed how cheap these sell for; very under rated in my experience, the combination on this of a full hollow, 5/8, and evil spike makes for an interesting shave each and every time. The La Tojo (sensitive) makes a cool lather but has hardly any scent. I might follow Robert’s lead and add a few drops of AS next time. I do like soaps and creams that SMELL.

    Just in case you’re wondering, the pictured non-working-sawn-off-twelve-gauge-double-barrel-shotgun that I keep (illegally) on top of my dresser in the dining room (like the hill-billy I am) has absolutely NO relevance to the shave. It might not put a hole in you as you try to get through the front door, but it might make you think twice and I’d relish the chance to practice a nice butt stroke to your chin. Well, not YOU, of course, you’re my friend, another person, clearly...Either that, or I’d do what I normally do, send my wife to investigate....and I’ll tell you WHAT, you do NOT want to mess with HER! (am I off topic again? I DO get off topic a lot, don't I?)....

    Razor : Burrell Top Flight
    Pre Shave: None!!!!
    Cream: La Toja
    ASB: None!!!
    After Shave: Truefitt and Hill Trafalgar (as always)
    Cuff links of the Day:Green Glass (again)

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    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

  8. #228
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeltz View Post
    Good man! Hope you are feeling better soon man flu is nasty!
    But WHY don't our women BELIEVE us!!! I believe what THEY say about childbirth, and THAT seems pretty easy to me: have sex, eat strange foods, get fat, buy baby stuff, lay around in hospital for a while, get presented with a bouncing baby boy/girl, eat chocolate, say thank you for cards/flowers/booties, refuse to have sex for AGES afterwards for some UNKNOWN reason, introduce the newbie to the teat once in a while, what's the big deal??? I, as a MAN, have to MOW LAWNS for goodness sakes!!!!
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

  9. #229
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by otherstar View Post

    I had major numbness in my right hand this morning...
    I do hope you are OK? Sounds like you have a coping strategy at least... :-)
    sharp and amb like this.
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

  10. #230
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Prep: 3 mile run, lukewarm shower...Really wish I could get in the habit of morning PT. I really like the wake up but on most mornings at 4-5 A.M. I'd much rather sleep than run...
    I used to love morning PT as a Recruit Instructor in the Army. Running a platoon of 48 down the road at the 1st Recruit Training Battalion (with the Battalion's Emu mascot running alongside and threatening to kill a recruit or two; they are scary BIRDS), and watching the steam rise off the platoon as they ran in step, (and them all calling the step in unison; "left, left, left right left..") was a joy to behold. And knowing you were fitter than ALL of those 48 guys and could run ALL of them into the ground was, again, well... uplifting.

    But NOW... well, yeah, I'd rather sleep than run too. Many a time I've vowed to "...get up early, every morning from now on, and climb to the top of Mount Torrens to "wash my eye lids in the rain" (as Leonard Cohen puts it) and it's hardly ever happened. I prefer a workout at mid day, in reality...

    Maybe you and I should seek to motivate each other?
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 10-27-2011 at 10:58 AM.
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

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