Results 161 to 170 of 259
11-10-2011, 04:19 PM #161
11-10-2011, 04:42 PM #162
Expert Barber 400 6/8
Target Black Badger
Arko Stick
Alum Block
Witch Hazel
Afta Fresh Balm
Polo Sport edt
11-10-2011, 04:45 PM #163
11-10-2011, 05:42 PM #164
Razor: Jones Mfg Co., Chicago
Brush: Jade and brass handled boar
Cream: Arko Adventure
AS: Thayers Lavender and Arko Adventure AS cream
Result: No pic today due to both computer and camera needing charged and not knowing how to post a pic with my phone. Took the Jones to the hones last night to try to eke out a better edge from it. Did a few laps on the King 8k and around 100 feather light passes on the PHIG. Truly a great shaver now. For an American made razor, it feels much more like Solingen steel. Two pass BBS.
11-10-2011, 05:52 PM #165
PREP: Proraso pre/post
BOWL: ice cream bowl
BRUSH: Vie-Long Zurito
RAZOR: Beter Flor de Lis Mano Negra 7/8 (Fila blank)
ASB: Proraso pre/post
AS: Italian Floid Blue
RESULT: Amazing shave, close and smooth. Been a while since I use that razor in my rotation and WOW! sure will take her back for a spin, what a great shaver!!
11-10-2011, 10:24 PM #166
I for one, miss the hello out of Robert.
Someone needs to step up and make some comments, hehehe..-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --
11-10-2011, 11:07 PM #167
Back for a few
Unknown Warrented Fine Steel 1/4 Hollow-Tobs St James/LaToja-Alum-Sea Buckhorn ASB-Burberry London Cologne
Got back late last night and slept real late. Woke up and ran the Warrented over the Pegesus II strop 50/50. It had not touched a strop since I honed it up last.The TOBS and LaToja made a wonderful lather and I gave myself a 4 pass(yup 4) 2 WTG, 1 XTG, and 1 ATG. CBS now and smelling great. I got the Burberry at Ft Hood PX. I also picked up a Ed Hardy version but I realy like the London. So nice to be back for a few and I lurked in checking out the SOTD while gone.
Paul"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
11-10-2011, 11:40 PM #168Thursday
Every Ready 1912 & GEM blade
Omega Boar & Culmak Soap
Alum & Old Spice Whitewater
Awesome! I finished the Whitewaterbut I have another bottle
11-10-2011, 11:55 PM #169
Along with "Beer of the Day" and my pomade of choice
Prep: Hot shower and condition beard
Pre-Shave: Shave Secret Oil
Shaving Soap: VDH Deluxe
Razor: Dovo Best Quality 5/8"
After-Care: Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
After-Shave: Pinaud Clubman
Verdict: I don't like VDH or the lucky tiger vanishing cream! VDH lathers up okay, but the smell is nothing to write home about and what remained in my mug looked nasty. I switched to Pacific Shaving Company's shaving cream for the second and third pass. The lucky tiger burned my face like the dickens, and not in that Clubman good burn kind of way. Face felt like hell afterward, but some witch hazel fixed that right up. I've found my SR is more forgiving than my safety razor. I went for the closest shave I could get today, and if I would have done what I did with my SR with my old safety I would have been bleeding everywhere. Today was only one little nick.
11-11-2011, 12:11 AM #170
Thats a great scent, I've not used it since mt early 20's must pick some up again some day soon.
Hey you're a poet! Sound like a great result nice one.
Nice, its great to be reminded that some of our lesser used razors are really worth more usage.
Fair point well made.
That's my experience too, always best to try and keep the blood on the inside of the face rather than the outside!Regards