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Thread: Sun October 21st - Sat October 27th

  1. #51
    Kuala Lumpur Str8Fighter moonbeam's Avatar
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    Default Hi Carl

    Quote Originally Posted by moonbeam View Post

    Hey moonbeam! I missed you! Really good to see you back! :-)

    Your friend Carl...
    Thanks Carl,me have been very very busy with my Kawasaki Z1R ,it is almost ready now,still waiting for the ignition unit,now on transit somewhere from the States.:-D

    "...connect umbilical cord' - those words coming from Col Reid in the Control Vehicle [SEMAR] at Woodside still ringing in me.

    Last edited by moonbeam; 10-23-2012 at 01:59 AM.
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  2. #52
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Prep L'Occitane Cedarwood Soap
    Razor Vintage Japanese Fon Golden Star 13/16
    Brush Simpsons Chubby 1 in Super
    Cream Simpsons
    Alum & Witch Hazel
    L'Occitane Baux Balm
    L'Occitane Baux Edt


    Faultless shave BBS.

    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  3. #53
    Member TheXelol's Avatar
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    PREP: Hot shower + Alepo soap
    CREAM/SOAP: Penhaligons Opus 1870 Shaving Cream
    BRUSH: 23mm Vie Long - Horse
    RAZOR: 6/8 JE COUPE - Garanti
    STROP: Scrupleworks 3"
    POST: Osma Alum + Fitjar K3 Extra

  4. #54
    Junior Member tONe2's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot Towel
    Soap: Mama Bear Awakenings
    Brush: Whipped Dog Silver Tip
    Razor: Joseph Allen and Sons NON XLL
    Post: None, I was in a hurry

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    -We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.-

  5. #55
    rum is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Thank you, gentlemen, for the incredible shaves last week. I am so humbled to be allowed to post alongside your shaving art!
    Windsor | Maxtom | Rover | Lucido | GIT
    Our shaving art? Dude, your pics are awesome! Us lay men can't even get a photograph together. I'm getting the Windsor soon so that I can be like you!!
    baldy, Mvcrash, Geezer and 1 others like this.

  6. #56
    rum is offline
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    Default Tuesday

    Kent T4
    Monsavon SS
    Puma 6/8 FF No.1
    L'Oreal Men Science 24 hr hydrating balm
    Acqua di Parma Essenza di Colonia

    Man this balm is so good. Face feels fantastic and the scent of the Essenza is just what the doctor ordered in this foggy weather!

  7. #57
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Default Sorry for the long post

    Quote Originally Posted by IamSt8ght View Post
    ...This is a razor I picked up for my 16 year old, shave once a week, son, who told me last month that he wants to give it a go with a straight. Guess he's heard enough cartridge bashing from me. So, the razor was nasty when I got it. Spent a few hours over the last month sanding and polishing it up when I had time...
    That's a cool looking razor. I hope he knows how lucky he is:
    (a) to have a father who cares
    (b) to have a nice razor from a father who cares.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    ...No special soap, no brush, just a soak in some warm water, and a layer of moisturizing cream, and a single pass with my newly resurrected zombie Puma 6/8...
    No soap at all? You make us sound decidedly frivolous with our pampering stuff...

    Quote Originally Posted by du212 View Post
    I always love your photos...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mephisto View Post
    ... I am having those 'ah hah, I think I got it moments'. I really do feel I am getting the hang of it now. No, my face is not perfectly clean all over but it looks damn fine to me. I had great shaves in the past but lately it is a little more tranquil and less apprehension...
    Isn't that moment great? When you think, 'I'm pretty comfortable with this, I'm not scared any more; I'm in charge. Christopher Moss talked of taking pride in doing a difficult job really, really well (in The Art of the Straight Razor Shave) and I've always loved that quote and idea. I'm not very good at anything, really, so being good at shaving with a straight and honing one allows me to feel just a little tiny bit like a craftsman, like an artisan...


    An adequate shave with the De Pews this morning. I’ve persevered with this razor, I really have, but you have to draw a line somewhere. I’ll give it one more go on the W/E to get the edge just right and then if it’s NOT right it’s off to get honed; the first of my razors to have that done to them while they’re in my care. I would consider that defeat.

    The Faulding ‘Shave’ cream was a different choice for me; I used this cream in the Army with a plastic thingy and I love the scent, but it’s actually quite a middling cream. Not very middling; just quite middling. I used no aftershave as I wanted to taste the scent of the cream as long as I could.

    I shaved ('scuse the pun) my Tuesday lunch time work out down to 37 minutes, but increased reps in all exercises. I superset upper body movements with legs (leg presses and leg curls and step ups). A minute (timed) between supersets + the second set (leg presses for instance) gives me about 1:20 - 1:30 between sets of the first exercise. This makes it a pretty intense workout for me at 50, so on this warm, 30 degrees day I was pretty well warmed up afterwards. The pre-workout meal was mashed potatoes and raw Broad Beans, the post workout meal was steak and Broad Beans. You’re wondering why I’m telling you about my lunchtime workout. So am I.

    ...Oh, I should say I’m down to 74.5 kilos this morning, which is 4.6 kilos lighter than 42 days ago. The target was to be 73 (losing 6.1) in 80 days (by the start of summer). I’ll do that easily, but now I’m thinking 70 could be the target. I’ll start swimming each Sunday morning when the local pool opens in a week’s time, and I was thinking of adding a back pack for my Sunday morning walk to the top of Mount Torrens…

    ...And now, by your eyes, I see that I'm boring you. So let's have another glass of wine and consider the sunset, the people, and the bay; intensely and with jutted jaw and narrowed eyes. I'll cross one leg over the other, and pretend I'm not upset. I'll pretend it doesn't matter while I make plans to leave you, and live on a farm in Portugal. Cobblestones. I want cobblestones in the early morning light while going to gather bread. But for now, my fingers inquisitively investigate a greying-haired chin, Platonic mind enquiring, pretending not to care...

    (see, that was a bit of prose there, made up on the spot, nice I think...)

    Razor: De Pews Cream: Faulding ‘Shave’

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    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 10-23-2012 at 08:42 AM.
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  8. #58
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Thanks Carl,me have been very very busy with my Kawasaki Z1R ,it is almost ready now,still waiting for the ignition unit,now on transit somewhere from the States.:-D

    "...connect umbilical cord' - those words coming from Col Reid in the Control Vehicle [SEMAR] at Woodside still ringing in me.

    Yeah, that's right, you're a bird gunner (ex) like me. I liked RBS70, very portable and capable, though I'm ignorant of it's wartime history...
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    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  9. #59
    Senior Member hitemfrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Razor: De Pews
    Man, I love the look of those De Pews. I'm gonna try track one of them down at some point.

  10. #60
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hitemfrank View Post
    Man, I love the look of those De Pews. I'm gonna try track one of them down at some point.
    Yeah, they're very radical. The curve on the tang puts the blade at a good position...
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

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