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Thread: Sun November 04th - Sat November 10th

  1. #71
    rum is offline
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    Default Tuesday

    Kent T4
    Monsavon Bol-A-Raser
    Filly DT 13, white scales
    L'Oreal Men Expert 24hr Hydra Sensitive

    Really smooth and close today. The Filly and Monsavon made a good combination. Think my face is getting used to the three shaves a week now, after months of shaving a maximum of twice a week.

  2. #72
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Strop: MickR's Roo Hide
    Brush: Comoy Badger
    Soap: L'Occitane Cade
    Razor: Invicta Coronet
    Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel
    Balm: Nivea Replenishing
    A/S: Wahl Bay Rum
    Same set up as last night. Only difference is tonight the Invicta received 5 laps on the legendary Norton Barber Hone.
    Result: BBS in 2 passes, the hone lives up to its reputation as outstanding.

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    Thanks for the great posts and pics boys

    Carl: Love Chisel, and love that song. I often sing it in my head when I'm shaving off a few days growth
    "I aint like that no wife, she cured me of drinking and wickedness"
    Clint Eastwood as William Munny in Unforgiven

  3. #73
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday

    Proraso pre|Thater|G5|Pannacrema|Otto Busch|ProrasoAS|EMJ Lotion

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    Wow! Some days it all comes together. BBS in 3 passes with the Casablanca scent filling the den and Voila! Off to work feeling like a king!
    Have a Great Tuesday Gents!
    Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  4. #74
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    NOS Bakelite Slant
    Wilkinson Sword NOS Stainless (England)
    Lavanda Shave Cream
    Vie-Long Beehive Dyed Horsehair
    Nivea Sensitive Post Shave Balm
    TOB St James After Shave

  5. #75
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Pre - Alum block
    Strop - 3 inch bridal leather
    Brush - SOC 2 band badger
    Scuttle - Robert Becker
    Soap - Vitos Red + The Body Shop Maca Root cream + 3 drops glycerin and 1 drop lanolin
    Razor - Schultze Inox 6/8
    Post - Alum block followed by Thayers witch hazel

    Super shave from a very good blade aided by a soap combo that generated ridiculous amounts of rich thick shaving lather. All I could ask for in a blade's maiden voyage.

    Last edited by BobH; 11-06-2012 at 10:26 PM. Reason: sp correction
    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  6. #76
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    QCS Key Lime - Semogue 1520 - Rolls Razor - Nautica Blue

    Yesterdays shave was so good that a quick touch up was only needed today. The Rolls provided another nice quick shave, but a full shave will be needed tomorrow.

  7. #77
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, this razor is the Godfather of them all and indeed where wetshaving began for me. The Gem Micromatic Open Comb takes a lot of bad press but I suspect much of it would slide in as bad carpenters blaming their tools. In any case, one of these with a fresh blade is an absolutely wonderful shave. The Fat performed as expected and this was one great shave. Now off to vote!
    Name:  SAM_1679.jpg
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    Gem Micromatic Open Comb, No name Boar Brush, Mitchell's Wool Fat, Thayers Lavendar Witch Hazel, Hugo Boss
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 11-06-2012 at 02:05 PM.
    The older I get, the better I was

  8. #78
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Here is a long story that you might enjoy...

    SOTD Monday 11/5/12

    It was a long and frustrating day...I will spare you the details, but suffice to say I was ready for an evening shave to put my mind to rest. Traditionally, I soak in a hot tub with hot towels and then get out and strop and shave in the nude...not recommending it or anything, it just works for me.

    Well as I said it was a long day and I really did not have time to soak, so I was stropping my most expensive razor (details are not important) with a shirt and shorts on. Did I mention that my lower back was positively killing me? Anyway, I was stropping my razor and finished up the 50 laps on the fabric, then set the razor on the window sill as I warmed up the leather with my palm. I then began stropping my blade on the leather. Things were going well except for the sore back, but I finished up my 60 laps (yes, I strop a lot) and then it happened!

    I let go of the strop, and at the same time fumbled the razor. This razor is a heavy beast of a blade and it fell with a mighty thump. My instincts were good...I sprawled and danced. I got everything a good 2 feet or more away from the drop site.

    OK that is the good news, no amputations. Then I picked up the razor for inspection. Perhaps, it landed spine first and I got lucky?!?

    Not so much, it actually put a hole in the bathroom mat and rolled the devil out of the toe (square point) as it touched down blade first on the toe.

    No way this would strop out...of to the hones. I soaked the Nortons and Naniwas and went to preparing my honing station.

    One hour later I re-addressed my SOTD. Again, I will spare you the details of the repair/honing for "brevity" sake The brush now well soaked but cold gave me the idea of trying a cold shave.

    Not bad...actually I am almost glad it happened because not the razor has a much better edge. Nice and sharp and buttery smooth.

    Happy endings are always nice.

    Updated with photo.

    Last edited by unit; 11-06-2012 at 04:33 PM.

  9. #79
    Senior Member ShavingSrgn's Avatar
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    Default Sun November 04th - Sat November 10th

    Tuesday, 11-6-12 -- Election Day
    Location: Heart of Dixie
    Pre: Hot Shower, Nivea Face Wash, Nivea Face Scrup
    Soap: D. R. Harris Arlington
    Brush: Vulfix Super Badger
    Scuttle: SWK XL
    Razor: Max Sprecher Custom 13/16
    Strop: 3" Black Latigo Bench Top
    Astringent: Dickensons Witch Hazel
    Post: Pinaud Clubman Vanilla
    Cologne: Gucci Intense

    Well, the rotation has rolled back around to my "new" razors. I absolutely LOVE this Max Sprecher beauty. It's has everything that I love about vintage Sheffield steel (barber's notch, width, weight, etc) but in a new, very personal custom. My wife had this commissioned on our first anniversary. It is without a doubt my favorite razor. I didn't have time to take pictures, so I'm going to "borrow" some from Max. It took me awhile to warm up to the Arlington, but now I'm really starting to "dig" the citrus scent. I would love to find a "citrus" aftershave splash to match. If anyone has a recommendation, I would love to hear it. I've read some good things about 4711, but I'm open to suggestions. I hope everyone has a great day!

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  10. #80
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Default Got my vote on



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    Good shave. I went to the polls afterwards to get my vote on. I was torn about the two candidates but finally came to my decision right before leaving. I am thankful that I did get to vote. It might be the illusion of choice but an illusion is better than nothing at all. Tried to keep the shave as 'American' as I could. I did realize that most of my gear is from across the pond.

    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

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