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Thread: Sun November 11th - Sat November 17th

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    I recieved my Allman razor last week but was very busy then sick in bed for 3 days. I was finally ably to hone it up. Stopped at Nanawa 12k. I usually do this to decide which stone i want to go to next. I recieved a wonderful 2 pass shave that i know will only get better after the next stone. Very pleased with this razor. Love the Jibs and his spin work he did. I appreciate all the hard work the Custom razor makers put into their work. I know i could never do it.

    **Great Picture Bill and my thanks go out to all the service men here in the US and abroad in SOTD**
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    Last edited by nicknbleeding; 11-11-2012 at 08:59 PM. Reason: Bad typo

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Happy Sunday!
    Hot shower prep
    Razor: Gold Bug Full hollow ground, 9/16ths+
    Soap: ARCO Stick
    Mug: none, face lathered
    Brush: LIDER -Turkish Boar
    Aftershock: Bloc Osma
    Splash: Old Bay Rum From Walgreen’s

    I got a few things done and am able to post again. The little Gold Bug is a winner. It was worth the time to clean and hone. It will get the 12K treatment next!
    In fact, it was so good that I smiled at the wrong time and...had to use the Styptic Pencil. A very nice close shave in two. The LIDER brush would work to whip the hardest bar soap into a nice lather. A very stiff and controllable brush for sure. No lather in my ears today! Arco belies its low cost and I am getting to like it more and more.
    The fun of trying things makes the day go a bit better and quicker!

    May your week bring personal success and great shaves!
    Last edited by Geezer; 11-11-2012 at 04:21 PM.

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    11 NOVEMBER 2012

    * The Cobra
    * Feather Pros
    * Chubby 1 two-band super
    * Mystic Water Bay Rum
    * Thayers
    * Unrefined Shea Butter

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  4. #24
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Trumper Eucris Shave Soap
    Top Flight Razor/Najeeb Razor
    Semogue 830 Boar Brush
    Vintage Old Spice ASL
    AOS Sandalwood ASB

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    Shave went ok. I had to switch from Najeeb to the Top Flight, neither were satisfactory. However, all the smells in the bathroom made up for it on this crisp Fall day. The tank is located in a small town, apparently the home of sheep ball stew. Maybe I am remembering that wrong, something to do with sheep though. Anyway, thanks to all the vets who have served this country, even if we do silly things like brag about sheep ball stew. I am forever in debt to the men and women who have sacrificed it all for me.
    Last edited by Mephisto; 11-11-2012 at 04:42 PM.
    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  5. #25
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Sunday Morning

    In appreciation for the service and sacrifice of all veterans. You're not forgotten.

    Prep: Hot shower - followed by Vitos pre-post-shave cream
    SC: Lord - Emofresh “Menthol”
    Strop: SRD Premium IV English Bridle Leather - 50 fabric; 60 leather
    Brush: H. L. Thäter SRP 2011 “2 band Silvertip Badger”
    Razor: 5/8 Gotta - Hamburg Ring “Superfine”
    Toner: Thayers “Original” Witch hazel w/ Aloe Vera
    ASB: Geo. F. Trumper “Coral” Skin Food
    AS: Floid - “The Genuine”
    Result: A wonderfully refreshing shave.

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  6. #26
    Senior Member hitemfrank's Avatar
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    QCS Key Lime - Semogue 610 - Toyo Scheon Burg #666 - TOBS Victorian Lime


  7. #27
    Stropping Addict Scookum's Avatar
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    Remembrance Day

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    I dream of a world where a chicken can cross a road without having it's motives questioned.

  8. #28
    Senior Member ShavingSrgn's Avatar
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    Default Sun November 11th - Sat November 17th

    Location: Heart of Dixie
    Pre: Hot Shower, Nivea Face Wash, Nivea Face Scrub
    Soap: Arko
    Brush: Rudy Vey Custom "Shredded Money" Silvertip Barber's Brush
    Scuttle: SWK XL
    Razor: Wade & Butcher Max Sprecher Restore in Aqua Glass
    Astringent: Dickenson's Witch Hazel
    AS: Musgo Real

    Have been in bed sick the last two days -- it's been awful. The Tide loss yesterday didn't help any either. Fortunately, two packages arrived yesterday to make me feel better, an absolutely stunning W&B regrind "Maxterpiece" and three new aftershaves, D.R. Harris Arrlington, Musgo Real, and Spiek. Unfortunately, I can't smell any of them because of my congestion. My wife really liked the Musgo Real, so my choice was easy this morning. I nice long hot shower helped the cough a little and is always a great preshave. Arko never disappoints, and the new razor was just fantastic! Didn't need three passes, but did it just for fun. Have a great week.

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  9. #29
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Default Sun November 11th - Sat November 17th

    Tapatalk refuses to let me post photos for some reason.

    Today I used the first razor I ever honed. (I have since re-honed it so it is less amateur skin-peel-tastic)

    Again, a family affair. I listened to my sons bicker and fight as I shaved.

    DFS face and neck. Could have done better, but I don't care because I'm lounging today

  10. #30
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Default Veteran's Day

    I felt an all-American effort was required on this most important day. Thanks to all who have, will, and are currently serving to keep our country great.
    Torry razor, George Weyer brush, SRD Blood Orange, and AQV filled the bill. Catfish Belly Smooth!

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    Sorry, ShavingSrgn, about your Bama loss, but if it makes you feel any better, I have been down with a bout of "new burger joint" food poisoning for a few days as well. Hope you feel better soon!
    Proud of my Aggies on the field as well as the Tide. All played a fine, close game! Also extremely proud of
    Texas A&M and the military tradition and contributions to our country.

    May all have a great and prosperous week to come.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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