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  1. #31
    grottolord grottolord's Avatar
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    Default new wadesworth

    Hot shower, wifes conditioner on beard while in shower
    Proaso menthol pre shave
    proaso cream from badger best
    Wadsworth 6/8 sp 3 passes
    coral skin food
    pinnaud bay rum

    really liked the razor came from "Altima" he cleans them up nice and puts a mean edge on. im really in love with Coral Skin food also.
    cant wait till next time.

  2. #32
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    Unhappy Confession

    Please, founders of the SRP, hear my confession, for I have sinned...

    Yesterday I was in quite a bit of a hurry, so I had to do a "quicky shave". I falled back into old habits I thought I had sworn out. I splashed my face with cold water and then put on some shaving foam.....out of a can...

    I quickly shaved with a Gillette 2-blade and hurried out of the bathroom with terror in my eyes. No nicks, no cuts, no razorburn, but no great shave.

    I'm glad it didn't give me any pleasure, so today I can focus on a good and decent straight shave.

    Can you please forgive me, dear founders? I hope you'll allow me some faceturbation today?

    (Coming week I will clean out my bathroom and throw away all the old habits -literally-)
    Last edited by Pinda; 01-07-2007 at 09:36 AM.

  3. #33
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    kent 50/50 brush
    Crema da barba almondcream
    Kuckuu duo solingen 6/8
    Hot water
    Cold Water
    Alum block
    Bay rum
    Coral skin food.

    Terrible, just horrible. I HATE the alum block now. It hurt me pretty bad. Never again.

  4. #34
    Whisker wacker Shorty's Avatar
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    It was my Dads 60th birthday today, and I had 3 odd days growth ready for a good shave around my parents house prior to going out which was great until I realised I left my brush behind but had brought almost everything else.

    Time to improvise! Despite our boiler going faulty 4 weeks ago, today I had the pleasure of lots of hot water and a big countertop which I don't have the pleasure of in our apartment.

    On top of that, I left my soap and cream behind too. I guess I'm just not well adapted to travelling with all this new shaving peraphinalia.

    I took a chance and scrubbed up with a slab of soap in the bathroom dish. Not a thick lather, but not too bad, smelled fairly nondescript but stuck well to the face and gave a VERY nice shave! My lucky day!

    So the shave ended up as:

    Hot rinse
    Dove hair conditioner on face for 5 minutes really softened the hairs nicely
    Hot rinse and proraso green
    Hand lathered up some Dove soap
    5/8 Kessar Purpleheart

    1 down, 1 up and across the jawline.

    Cold rinses, alum rub and drip dry.

    Witch hazel /w citrus splash, then GFT Coral.

    Best shave to date, and what I found today as a newbie straight shaver ..

    1) You dont need high end soap or cream to have a good shave with a straight

    2) Having an extra days growth goes a LONG way to getting a much better shave with much less irritation.

    I guess everyone's skin is different and our milage varies, but today I had a fantastic shave that really stands head and shoulders above everything I have experienced so far despite going with an impromptu shaving soap substitute

  5. #35
    DMS is offline
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    Shavemac 501
    Tabac soap
    5/8 Heljestrand RP
    Alum block
    Clubman Special Reserve A/S

  6. #36
    Senior Member AntC's Avatar
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    Hot shower (Cavendish Black bath soap)
    Diamondine 5/8
    Van Der Hagen boar brush
    Cavendish Black shave soap
    cold water

    Had to go with a quick shower/shave so just one pass everywhere. Still fairly close/presentable and felt great. Still better than I got with Mach3/Fusion/Electric and almost as fast with no nicks or razor burn. Really enjoying shaving these days, normally a short timeline would have meant skipping it entirely and going out scruffy.

    Last edited by AntC; 01-08-2007 at 01:03 AM.

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