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Thread: Sun - March 31th - Sat April 06th

  1. #131
    Senior Member blabbermouth sashimi's Avatar
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    Thursday evening
    Hot water prep
    Ali's Blade T-Rex "Hors serie" 9/8 blade - Silvertip badger brush - TOBS Lavender sc - cold water splash - Penhaligon's Sartorial EdT

    Another awesome shave from the dino-blade. Only stropped it on leather so far and with its 65 HRC hardness, I think it will be a while before it needs a touch up.
    Near BBS in one, Ueberclean in two.
    I received the sample set of Penhaligon's in the mail the other day.
    (Had to know what the fuss is about)
    The Sartorial actually slipped from my hands when I wanted to show it to my oldest daughter and it broke on the floor. Luckily I had already applied a good splash of it on my face, so not all was lost, but it's a nice fragrance and it's a shame this one was an unintentional one-off...
    Enjoyed to the tunes of Kenny Burrell & John Coltrane.
    And now, I'm going to watch the Hobbit, in 3D on my home cinema.

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  2. #132
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    finished some scales today so of course i had to hone !! and what else to do after a hone session ??? the answer lay beneath !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    pre= who needs prep ...
    brush= antler handled black badger
    soap= Mikes Natural " Barbershop"
    1) Greaves improperly honed double notched skinny toed razor
    2) Greaves 17/16
    results = the little one shaved but not well , back to the coticule it will go !! the other one was magnificent as usual .. i started all the way from bevel set on the yellow , then went through some circles with pressure down to no pressure on the BBW and flipped it over to progress into a nice clean water only finish on the yellow ..!! im really starting to not only like my coticule but also the edges im getting off of it !!

  3. #133
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Showing off the antler brush again, are we.
    pfries, gooser and ratbag like this.

  4. #134
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Showing off the antler brush again, are we.

    nope jus the scales
    pfries and ratbag like this.

  5. #135
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    Earlier this morning:
    Pre: Hot shower, T&H Ultimate Comfort pre shave oil
    Brush: Semogue SOC SE 2012
    Cream: Speick
    Razor: Wilkinson Sword
    Blade: Polsilver Super Iridiums (3)
    AS: Nivea aftershave lotion, Speick aftershave balm

    A very comfortable and effective shave!

  6. #136
    Member morgante's Avatar
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    Sketches of Spain (With golden Fatip and Feather)

  7. #137
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    The Little Razor That Could

    A little straight razor had a face of hair to shave.

    She went along very well till she came to face of hair. But then, no matter how hard she tried, she could not shave the face of hair.

    She shaved and she shaved. She puffed and she puffed. She backed and started off again. Shave! Shave!
    But no! the hairs would not shave off the face.

    At last she left the face and started up the track alone. Do you think she had stopped working? No, indeed! She was going for help.
    "Surely I can find someone to help me," she thought.

    Over the hill and up the track went the little razor. Pretty soon she saw a big razor using guy named Boris sitting in the lounge room drinking beer. He looked very big and strong. Running alongside, she looked up and said:
    "Will you help me shave?”

    Boris looked down at the little razor. Then he said:
    "Don't you see that I am through my day's work? I have showered already and now I’m drinking. No, I cannot help you,"
    The little razor was sorry, but she went on.

    Soon she came to a second guy. He was puffing and puffing, as if he were tired.

    "That guy may help me," thought the little razor. She ran alongside and asked:
    "Will you help me shave?

    The second guy answered:
    "I have just come in from a long, long run. Don't you see how tired I am? Can't you get some other guy to help you this time?
    "I'll try," said the little razor, and off she went.

    After a while she came to another guy, in a land called Oz. The guy’s name was Carl. She said:
    "Will you help me shave?
    "Yes, indeed!" said Carl. "I'll be glad to help you, if I can."

    So Carl honed the little razor.

    Slowly Carl honed the little razor. Slowly they worked. As they worked, each of them began to sing:
    "I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I think I can - I think I can - I think I can I think I can--"

    And they did! Very soon they were over the hill and going down the other side and the little razor cut Carl’s leg hair!

    Now they were actually shaving Carl’s face; and the little razor could really, really shave! So she thanked Carl who had come to help her, and said good-by.

    And she went merrily on her way, singing:
    "I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I thought I could - I thought I could - I thought I could - I thought I could - I thought I could - I thought I could I thought I could --"

    Yes, I know, I'm an idiot. Happy Weekend everyone!

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    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 04-05-2013 at 08:12 AM.
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

  8. #138
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    I'm back from what seemed to be a very successful business trip. And to celebrate, I brought out some big guns!

    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  9. #139
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Hot Shower, 1960 Gillette Fat Boy, VDH Boar, C.O. Bigelow, Clubman AS, Firehouse Wacky Tacky

    Simple Friday shave. Nothing terribly fancy but very effective and very nice
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 04-05-2013 at 11:26 AM.
    The older I get, the better I was

  10. #140
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Proraso|G5|AOS Badger|MNS O/C/BP|WorldMaster|Proraso AS|Iggy's Balm
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    Have a Great Friday Gents!
    Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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