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Thread: Straight Shavers ! Beware Of The Mongoose Single Edge Safety Razor !!

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Default Straight Shavers ! Beware Of The Mongoose Single Edge Safety Razor !!

    I was intrigued by the high recommendations that Obie, Mainaman, and Jamie gave to the Mongoose and asked some questions about it in a thread. Leading a sheltered life down here in the sunny southland I hadn't known there was such as animal. So friend Lynn offered to send his down for me to try and I accepted his kind offer.

    A few days latter here in my mailbox was a stainless steel Mongoose with a dispenser of Feather Super Pro blades. The most aggressive of the SE blades that the Mongoose takes. Not wanting to take undue advantage of the situation I resolved to use one blade and see how many shaves I could get out of it.

    I got 8 shaves out of the one blade. Some of these were single pass shaves, others were 2 pass. In most cases with a 2 to 3 day growth of beard. In advanced age, and retirement, I have the luxury of not having to shave daily. I could have got more than the 8 shaves but Lynn came down to FL on vacation with his Mrs and I met up with him and returned the Mongoose.

    In the meanwhile I had been on the list and my number finally came up. So though I was still a bit reluctant, it ain't cheap, and I am cheap ..... I went for it. As the photos below show, I added the 'Farnsy' handle to the barber pole handle the razor comes with, and glad I did, because it is a perfect match. I just finished my 5th two pass shave with one blade. I went with the Feather Super Pros. At 20 blades per dispenser I'll get a heap of shaves out of it.

    I never expected to find a safety razor that I liked better than my Merkur 37C slant, but the Mongoose is it. For me it shaves as close as the Muhle 41 first generation, without the trepidation I feel when using the 41. The 'one false move' feeling. I did nick myself with Lynn's once, and with mine once. It is like a motorcycle, you have to show respect. Become complacent and it will get your attention.

    The Mongoose is really well designed for the blade. It is weighty but for me that is a plus. I think the other thing is the heft of the blade. Like a Sheffield wedge, as opposed to a full hollow, there is no flex in the Feather SE blade. I've always felt that in spite of the 'safety' of DE razors the thin flexy blades are capable of biting you if you're not careful. The heavier Feather SE seems to me to be more stable.

    So if you get one of these magnificent contraptions, beware that you won't want to use anything else, and your favorite safety razors and straights will gather dust while the Mongoose delivers shave after shave of irritation free BBS with ease. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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    Last edited by JimmyHAD; 11-08-2015 at 03:40 AM.
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  2. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    celticcrusader (12-24-2015), Fredjo (09-13-2016), Gibbs (08-04-2017), Hirlau (11-08-2015), kruppstahl (01-16-2016), lz6 (11-08-2015), markbignosekelly (11-08-2015), Obie (09-28-2016), Phrank (11-08-2015), Razorfaust (11-08-2015), Slawman (08-15-2016), Substance (12-20-2015), Thug (11-08-2015), tinkersd (11-18-2016), Willisf (11-08-2015)

  3. #2
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    I am on the fence about getting one of these. I'd like to have one, but don't think I really need one. It would come in handy I suppose in doing some touch ups here and their or the hard to shave areas on my neck.

    How do you go about getting on their list? They don't really show any prices or options on what to order.....unless I missed that one their facebook page.

    Very nice looking SE razor BTW!
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  4. #3
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    Check out their face book page, I tried to get on their order list and they told me they were no longer back ordering. That was maybe 2 weeks ago. No matter contacted Bruno instead

  5. #4
    Nemo me impune lacessit RobinK's Avatar
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    This razor has drawn a lot of attention. I have tried various injectors, but did not like them. Especially their looks. This one looks nice. But how does it compare to the considerably cheaper SE razors, or even the Streamline?

  6. #5
    lz6 is offline
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    I have only shaved with DE razors and straight razors and the Mongoose, so I cannot comment on other SE razors.

    Jimmy said exactly what I would say about the Mongoose.

    I think the Mongoose is the new state of the art in "safety" razor category. Natural selection at work so to speak.
    Last edited by lz6; 11-08-2015 at 07:21 PM.
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  7. #6
    Senior Member Traskrom's Avatar
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    Mongoose was first "not a straight razor" that gave me almost the same quality of shave as a regular SR. I can get 4 brilliant shaves from FPS blade. Excellent razor.

  8. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    In the other thread about the Mongoose I think I said pretty much what Jimmy is saying here right down to comparing it to the R41.

    I think if I was first starting out with straights and I used the Mongoose I'd have to think really hard about continuing with the straight.

    Well, maybe not....but it's a great shaver. You can't compare it to any other DE or SE it's in a class by itself.
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  9. #8
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with Jimmy on this one.

    I purchased one from a previous owner along with several packages of blades and the shave is spectacular.

    I have personally settled on using the Feather ProGuard blades - the Feather Super Pro's are also very nice.

    The aspect of what Jimmy said the most which really sells me on this that it is the closest, if not closer, than a straight shave, and with the width and heavy nature of the razor - feels exactly like wielding a good old hefty Sheffield.

    Solid construction, blade locked very firmly into place, and the variety you can use are all great features.

    And I also agree with thebigspendur, who summed it up quite well: "I think if I was first starting out with straights and I used the Mongoose I'd have to think really hard about continuing with the straight."

  10. #9
    Senior Member Scareface's Avatar
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    I too blame Obie! My email to place my order came last Weds. So, a Mongoose wil be on its way shortly.
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  11. #10
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    I'm glad you found the cure to most razor related acquisition disorders and in the spirit of your new found contentment and considering your well documented treasure chest of straight razor gear. The question is " Can we have your stuff?" Just joking, ok maybe not but glad you like the mongoose and use it in good health.
    Last edited by Razorfaust; 11-09-2015 at 12:13 AM.
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