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Thread: Thoughts on Above the Tie SE1

  1. #21
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlanQ View Post
    Never tried a single edge are they significantly better than DEs?
    For me, the ATT SE1 is a better shave than any of my DEs with any blade. Better for me means it provides the closest to a one-pass shave that lasts the longest. It is wider which makes it a little less maneuverable under the nose but that's a small price to pay.

    My old Gem SEs also provide great shaves but I have to give the DEs a little bit higher score compared to the Gem Ever-Readys. That's most likely due to the limited choices for the old SE blades.

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  3. #22
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    Maybe one day Ill have to try one

  4. #23
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I use the Mongoose with an ATT handle and I think it's a perfect combination for me. The Mongoose is my go to razor when I'm not using a straight.
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  5. #24
    Special Agent Gibbs's Avatar
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    Obie, it's not that far to come over to Fenn Valley Vineyards and pick up some wine. Many Wisconsinites come here. Do come and taste the wine.... BRING THE RAZOR WITH YOU for God's sake!! LOL seriously, I wish there were someone in the area that had this Tie SE1 razor around to try. Maybe my pocketbook wishes I never look a it.!!
    ~~ Vern ~~
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  6. #25
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibbs View Post
    Obie, it's not that far to come over to Fenn Valley Vineyards and pick up some wine. Many Wisconsinites come here. Do come and taste the wine.... BRING THE RAZOR WITH YOU for God's sake!! LOL seriously, I wish there were someone in the area that had this Tie SE1 razor around to try. Maybe my pocketbook wishes I never look a it.!!
    Gibbs, my friend,

    Thanks for the invitation.

    Keep an eye on the classified section of the various safety razor forums and you might pick up a used one. My ATT SE1 is gone. Occasionally I still use the Mongoose II, and the Blackland's Sabre, also a single edge razor. The Mongoose uses the Feather Artist Club blades, and the Sabre the Gem-style blades.

    The ATT SE1 and the Mongoose II are fine shavers, somewhat similar in aggressiveness, but I give the comfort edge to the Mongoose. The Sabre is the mildest of the three razors and an awfully sweet shaver.
    Geezer and Gibbs like this.

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