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Thread: First DE came with two blade types... need recommendations! :)

  1. #11
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Say farewell to the Merkur and Dorco blades and order a sampler pack that includes, at least, some of the following: Feather, Gillette 7 O'Clock "SharpEdge" in the yellow packs, Personna, Astra, Polsilver-Iridium, Pro Sharp Super and Derby. All are good blades, with the Feather the sharpest.

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  3. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Saying a blade makes the difference in a DE is like buying the exact same 2 cars one with a 140HP engine and the other with a 180HP Turbocharger and saying the engine makes a difference.

    The Dorcos, well the name kind of tells you. I guess the company was sold and there are not the German outfit they once were. Just experiment with different blades to find the rightr match for you and your razor. I like Feathers.
    Suile likes this.
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  5. #13
    MJC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
    My experience with the Merkur blades was about the same as when I tried one of those SE utility blades from Home Depot in my Gem.
    My experience with the Merkur blade almost brought the DE experiment to an end. Fortunately my Barber had given me a pack of Astra Greens and that saved the day. Since then my two favorites are the Astra Blue (Stainless) and the Feather...

    As for the Merkur, I would rather bust the wine bottle on the counter and use the shards.. but YMMV

    And +1 to the sample pack idea, every face/blade/razor/beard/moon phase is different and what is one step away from Waterboarding for me might be shaving nirvana for you...
    Part of the fun...
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  7. #14
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    I've enjoyed wilkinson sword, feathers, and derby blades in different razors and on different adjustment points. Awful experiences with Blue Bird blades, felt like a dulled straight razor dragged across my face. Lots of resistance and a very uncomfortable shave overall. I've found that I can get any of the above blades (except the blue bird) to shave nicely at some setting in an adjustable. I prefer the feather's or the wilkinsons in my flare tip and ball tech non adjustables though

    I'd say go with a sampler pack, then scour the net for a deal on a hundred pack of something you like. I respect the people that have tried nearly every blade out there, but you can save a few bucks buying in bulk after finding one that works. That said, I'm after a daily shave, not the illustrious BBS nirvana that some here search for. Depends on your motives really!

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  9. #15
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Obie is a DE afficianado and said it twice! He has offered wonderful advise. I, personally, adore the Israeli Personna platinum blades. I like a smooth and easy shave with a DE but a shave with them is very occasional. Some super sharp blades such as Feathers seem to warrant experience. JMHO

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  11. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I use Derby extra's and more recently I've became a fan of the Astra platinum blades. I'm consistantly getting 30 day's of use out of them (no pulling or irritation). And for reference, medium beard, shave every day, the dome and my mug. I'm using an EJ Barley.....your results may vary

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  13. #17
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    Feathers blades plus Bolzano. Awesome. This are my recomendations.


  14. #18
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    Default Re: First DE came with two blade types... need recommendations! :)

    Out of the ones I've tried, the most consistent good shave has been the Derby 100 for 18 from a gentleman on here. I should note I haven't tried feathers yet.

  15. #19
    Senior Member turando72's Avatar
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    Haha! That thread brings back good ol' memories of days DE shaving. So many different options and so many different experiences with same blades. I think you've been given some good advice regarding a sampler pack. That way you can pick the blade that suits you best.

    For me I found the Merkur blades to be complete rubbish! Never tried Dorcos. My go to DE blades are Super Iridiums and Astras.

    Kurtz (Apocalypse Now): "I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving."

  16. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have to edit my earlier post, I was getting almost thirty shaves from an Astra, changed the blade finally and twice since this post after 3/4 shaves (which would be more on par with other blades.) I was getting some skin irritation. I must of had a really good pack of Astra's and now those blades are gone... oh well 75 more blades to go, maybe there will be some more in that carton. I still think there good blades.

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