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Thread: Lazy Shavers

  1. #11
    32t is offline
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    I chuckle as I think of this. I am not a factory, refinery, fireman, etc. "peon" I should grow a beard so I can prove I don't have to take any risk to do my job.

  2. #12
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I was in the USAF from 69 to 73. after basic I didn't shave every day I was in tech school at night and when I was stationed I still was on duty at night. so every other day got the job done. now my beard back then was heavy and dark. but at night on the flight line nobody said anything. I was a mechanic and 5 minutes after I showed up for work it really didn't matter. when I got out I would shave 1 to 2 times a week depending on whether or not I had a date. This has gone on for all these years no need to change now. The beard now is not so dark and if you draw a line from my side burns to my Adams apple the beard from that line to my neck is gone. so shaving is a lot quicker for me now.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Shave my beard once a week and my head everyday.
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  4. #14
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trimmy72 View Post
    Shave my beard once a week and my head everyday.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Usually Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings then only on the weekends or between days for special occasions
    to shave another day.

  6. #16
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Have to shave 5 days a week for work. Prior to using a straight, I never shaved on my days off and maybe once if on vacation. Now, it's a three pass shave everyday. On vacation this week and still have not missed a day.

    If once a week works for you, that's great. For me, my shave is an enjoyable "David time" with no distractions or anything else on my mind.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    As ^ since using a SR I enjoy my shaves and the me time so I shave every day. Being retired I have no reason to shave every day but do.

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  8. #18
    Senior Member Mafuzul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apipeguy View Post
    Have to shave 5 days a week for work. Prior to using a straight, I never shaved on my days off and maybe once if on vacation. Now, it's a three pass shave everyday. On vacation this week and still have not missed a day.

    If once a week works for you, that's great. For me, my shave is an enjoyable "David time" with no distractions or anything else on my mind.
    I enjoy my shaves as well. I look forward to breaking out my strop, my razor, my brush and the soap the whole process really. But I just can't break the habit of shaving once a week. Its a routine problem actually. My bread doesn't grow fast enough to shave every day or I probably wood, hence the name of this thread
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  9. #19
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    I'd go nuts if I didn't shave everyday. Lazy, to me, means avoiding housekeeping chores (live alone and love it, but hate cleaning, dusting, mopping and over organizing anything.) Shaving is the one time of the day that I close out the world and my constant thinking on my creative work and concentrate on my face, razor, lather and the joy of straight razor shaving. Except on Sundays. That's my retro day. I will shave with an old DE, SE or multi-bladed disposable to remind me of the joy of the other six days of the week.
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  10. #20
    Senior Member Scareface's Avatar
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    I too follow the club of I enjoy it too much not to shave. I still shave everyday on the weekends as well.
    My wife appreciates it too. My whiskers are so tough that if I rake my face across her fac in a hug, even at the end of a day, she complains it hurts.
    It's a dog eat dog world and I have on milk bone underwear.

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