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Thread: Lazy Shavers

  1. #21
    King of the Shorties Aldwyn's Avatar
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    I usually shave twice a week... Wed or Thurs night... then again on Sun night. I have lighter colored hair, and some of that has turned gray, so I find it easy to get away with it.
    Recovered Razor Addict
    (Just kidding, I have one incoming...)

  2. #22
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    Like 'tcrideshd', my work also requires me to be clean shaven. Always in B/A, being in the oilfield & firefighting, I can get away with shaving every 2 days, which is usually what I do.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    I shave every day.
    I had a full beard most of my life ever since I could grow onne.This was mainly so people could tell the difference between me & my Identical twin brother.
    I shaved the beard off in my mid thirties as I was cycling 18 miles a Day to work &back.
    I got so hot in the summer that the beard had to go.
    Got myself a Bismarck 6/8 after a 5/8 stainless blade.
    I struggled with these on &off until I discovered this forum.Now I shave most days using a straight or shavettes.
    It's easier for people to tell the difference between me &my twin now as I am a lot fatter than he is.
    Now I am on hormone therapy as part of my treatment for late stage prostate cancer I' m getting bigger still.
    Though the plus side effect of this is my hair is looking great.
    Cheers Guys
    Firefighter2 likes this.

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    I'd go nuts if I didn't shave everyday. Lazy, to me, means avoiding housekeeping chores (live alone and love it, but hate cleaning, dusting, mopping and over organizing anything.) Shaving is the one time of the day that I close out the world and my constant thinking on my creative work and concentrate on my face, razor, lather and the joy of straight razor shaving. Except on Sundays. That's my retro day. I will shave with an old DE, SE or multi-bladed disposable to remind me of the joy of the other six days of the week.
    In this case, then yes, I am a lazy shaver.

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    If I complete a three pass shave, I really have no need to shave the next day. I'll wake up with the feeling of still having just shaved. By mid day I'll be able to feel some roughness. But it won't be until the next day that there is anything really visible. I don't go into the office very much and when I do, I usually have to unlock the door on my way in and lock it behind me as I leave. So basically I don't have a lot of company when I am there. I actually like shaving off a three or four day beard. I remember what a nightmare shaving a three or four day beard was with a disposable, all kinds of ripping and pulling. But its a pleasure with the SR.
    Sharp&Shiny likes this.

  6. #26
    Senior Member SRNewb's Avatar
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    Every day for the joy of shaving. I only really need to shave Sundays and Wednesdays, for services(Adult Sunday School teacher and Deacon, Piano Player and Songleader), but it is such fun, why not enjoy?

  7. #27
    Not really a "Senior Member" CZMark's Avatar
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    My jobs don't require me to shave everyday (or at all). I shave two or three days during the week plus Saturday and Sunday. Saturday and Sunday shaves are the best as I can take all the time I need.

  8. #28
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    Dang, I think I must be the laziest shaver of them all then. I currently for the last 3 months have only been shaving once a month. I enjoy shaving with a straight and the feeling of being clean shaven but I really like to have a beard and it would look really weird to do both

  9. #29
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    Shaved daily for nearly 14 years for the military except on weekends. After I got out for a while I would only shave once a week and a lot of the time had a full beard.

    Recently returned to the Guard to finish out my 20 and began shaving daily again then started shaving with a straight razor about 6 months ago. Now it's a 3 pass shave daily and if I don't get to I feel weird. Plus I have learned something new it seems every few days and have gone from cat attacked face to BBS 8/10. No practice no perfecting your skills.

    Hey at the end of the day do what makes you happy! That's why we shave with straights right?...because we enjoy it. Otherwise we would go the easy route and use use dollar shave club...Are their blades good? No they are &$;@ing awesome. Ha. Love those commercials.

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