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Thread: How fast is it possible to shave with a str8?

  1. #31
    Senior Member jigane's Avatar
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    yeah I'm not aiming for that.

  2. #32
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Wet Shaving isnt Speed Shaving.
    You want fast go back to Mach 5.
    Its about the ritual, the prep, the me time. Zen know thy face.
    You wanna race?? Bring it. You win everytime.
    Me 5 minutes of quiet slow short strokes. Feel my face and skin, rewet relather and pull/stretch the skin in the opposite direction.
    If you want to race,
    Shave in the shower with a disposable and clean up in the mirror post shower.
    You want the closet shave and attention to detail. Do the steps.
    You want cheeseburgers drive thru or a filet at a sit down dinner?
    Speed kills when it comes to wet shaving. Artforms are not meant to be rushed.
    How fast can you paint the Sistine Chapel?
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  3. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    I just timed my shave today. Not in a hurry, I did two passes and then a touch up on the lower neck to get a BBS shave. 3 minutes 14seconds. If I am in a hurry I do a multi directional 1 pass that I guess takes about 2 minutes tops. If I am in a hurry I don't speed up I just do less and accept less than baby smooth.

    Check out these must see videos from a member here. They are fun to watch and he normally does two passes in a short amount of time.
    Last edited by Steel; 01-02-2016 at 04:41 AM.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  4. #34
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by jigane View Post
    And I'm not talking about lathering up and all preshave stages, I mean the actual shave stage,
    I have a goatee so I don't do the "hard parts" but the blade is touching my face for less that 30 seconds a shave.
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  5. #35
    32t is offline
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    I just did a test and I will amend my previous post. A two pass shave took me 45 seconds to actually shave.
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  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jigane View Post
    So maybe 5 minutes for experienced users is a normal time for the actual shave part?
    It depends on how many passes you do, how concerned you are with the finish and many other things. A one pass shave will probably take under 5 mins for the actual shaving but you still have pre and post shave time for lathering, stropping clean up etc.
    If you just want to get it done as quickly as possible then maybe a double or single edge safety razor may be more suitable, or even a shavette style razor as all of these use replaceable blades care and maintainance is almost non existent.
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  7. #37
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jigane View Post
    So maybe 5 minutes for experienced users is a normal time for the actual shave part?
    I timed myself once and it was 3 min and 40 seconds. I started the timer when I picked up the blade and stopped when I was ready to rinse. I only do a one pass shave.
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  8. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    if you mean only shave and lathering i think a minute or 6 is the time i do about a shave. ( 2passes)
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  9. #39
    Senior Member Maladroit's Avatar
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    if you're racing against the clock, the SR is not your preferred tool! I use an SE when I want to go quickly, although I think that the time spent on razor and face preparation, as well as the razor cleanup, stropping and oiling probably takes nearly as much time as the actual 2 pass shave that I do with both SE and straight.

    As many others have said, this is meant to be relaxing, so if you're really in a hurry use an electric - and take the consequences

  10. #40
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maladroit View Post
    if you're racing against the clock, the SR is not your preferred tool! I use an SE when I want to go quickly, although I think that the time spent on razor and face preparation, as well as the razor cleanup, stropping and oiling probably takes nearly as much time as the actual 2 pass shave that I do with both SE and straight.

    As many others have said, this is meant to be relaxing, so if you're really in a hurry use an electric - and take the consequences
    The 6minutes is with no hurry. shave and latherup again don't need 20 to 30 minutes.

    The sink filled with water and finding a soap. 30 sec walking to my cabinet with razors
    figuring out the required razor i want to use today and throw the brush in the water ... 30sec
    Stropping the blade is at most 30 to 40 sec. (60x leather)
    The brush filling with soap and latherup what will that be.... 1min.
    Shave and clean face is about 5min 42 sec.
    Brush Rinse, 20 on leather strop, and a splash aftershave.about 30 to 40 seconds and Done. without any hurry ...

    The question was "how fast is it possible to shave with a straight"
    Well thats by me about 5.42 without any hurry.
    rolodave and Steel like this.

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