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Thread: First str8 shave today!

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  1. #1
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    Default First str8 shave today!

    Well guys, did my first shave today with my newly acquired straight today!

    I'm having a bit of trouble getting my chin and about a 1/8 inch strip of my side burn next to my ear. I think the side burn issue could be fixed by getting a touch closer to my ear(worried about cutting it off!) and the blade is slightly rounded at the tip, so maybe that's it?

    Any who, figured I'd kind of introduce myself, now as an official str8 shaver.

    Been using a safety razor for the last 6 years, since I was 20 (got in the game early) I've been wanting a straight for the past few years, but was a little afraid. After I got so I could get a good shave with the safety in a matter of minutes with the safety I felt I was ready for the step up.

    Any tips on getting the chin area?

  2. #2
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Best advice is patience. Don't try anything you are not comfortable doing.

    Some use a DE to tidy up after the SR. With time, your use of the DE will decrease.

    Have fun. That is what it is all about.
    BobH, Steel and bobski like this.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post

    Best advice is patience. Don't try anything you are not comfortable doing.

    Some use a DE to tidy up after the SR. With time, your use of the DE will decrease.

    Have fun. That is what it is all about.
    Thanks. Today's shave probably took about 15 minutes. I planned on just doing a cheek, but after the cheek I decided to keep going, zone after zone until I was done. I ended up cleaning up with the DE just because I wanted to begin shaving every morning so the stubble doesn't get too long. And for the practice
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  4. #4
    Member Redfisher's Avatar
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    Welcome! I'm new here too! Take it easy and relax. If you're not feeling comfortable put it down and try again later. It will get easier, trust me on this but don't try and force it.
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  5. #5
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Welcome tomSRP!!! Can't offer much more than has been said, this should be fun. And it will be in time. One thing to remember is just shave the lather off, no real pressure is needed with a good razor

    Don't you worry about that ear, they can sew em back on hahahaha
    rolodave, KenWeir and Addison like this.
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
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  6. #6
    Jack of all, master of none KenWeir's Avatar
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    Grats and welcome!

    On the chin, try starting out by doing small areas at a time to minimize the change in angle during each stroke. Eventually you'll get where you can change it on the fly to keep up with where you are on the chin & neck.
    BobH and Dieseld like this.

  7. #7
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    If your scared of cutting off your ear... Thats good! Something I seen in a vid might help. It was a guy shaving his upper lip in an upwards motion. He held razor still and moved his face. I thought it was a great idea. I dont shave upper lip and have no issue getting close to the ear so I dont know if this will help you but its worth a try.
    Welcome to the forum. A lot of great people here and real help. Dont be afraid to ask questions and be sure to read everything you can in the library. And congrats on the first SR Shave!
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  8. #8
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    Got my second shave it today! Got better at the chin. I think I may need to get the edge professionally honed. It was an eBay "shave ready" razor and even around 100 bucks I can tell its not the best. I did strop on my balsa and leather strops before hand
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  9. #9
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Be careful with stropping, it is very easy for a beginner to roll the edge while stropping

    Quote Originally Posted by Nhyrum View Post
    Got my second shave it today! Got better at the chin. I think I may need to get the edge professionally honed. It was an eBay "shave ready" razor and even around 100 bucks I can tell its not the best. I did strop on my balsa and leather strops before hand

  10. #10
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    The two more likely ways to cut myself are using a slicing motion (a real no no) and using a square tip blade and not being careful around the nose or neck area (anywhere with curves).

    The slicing motion is usually when getting too confident and moving too fast on the cheeks.

    Although I have and shave with some square tipped blades most of mine are either round tipped or have some curve to them.
    Last edited by gcbryan; 12-27-2016 at 08:51 PM.

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