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  1. #21
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    I suffered from nagging irritation on my chin for much of the past year. It all boiled down to technique. Better lather plus a slightly steeper angle and a toe-leading stroke is what worked for me.

    I’d encourage you to keep trying different things with your technique—different strokes, different directions of passes, different angles… Usually when I get irritation it’s because I’m going over and over one spot trying to get at some stubborn whiskers. Attacking from a different angle is the answer, rather than multiple strokes with increasing pressure…

    Also, it may be time to get your razors touched up. They do need to be rehoned every once in a while…


  2. #22
    Senior Member IsaacRN's Avatar
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    Well.....most of my razors are only 2 months old...after the hone....and are still passing HHT. I did take 10 swipes on the 1.0 and 0.5 pasted strop on both...

  3. #23
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Only my Gold Bug has been "out sourced" for honeing (ok I bought it from Bill Ellis already honed by him ) the rest I honed myself. I'm good at 2 days apart due to frigging slow beard growth. I've tried next day shaves and I can't find enough stubble to shave... frigging rediculous, I'll never use up enough of TGQ's soaps (like that stops me from buying them )...

  4. #24
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Normally, i shave 6 days a week, often skipping saturday. I hone most of my own razors and have only sent 5 out for professional service. But i have aquired razors from several other members they have generally honed up great... in fact the only ones that were not nearly perfect were the ones that were duly listed as not being shave ready. Although i could have shaved with one of them without i problem.

    I mainly use soap (Colleen's) but creams can be nice as well.
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  5. #25
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I shave every 2 or 3 days.
    I can't shave every day. First of all, my beard grows slowly so you won't even see the stubble. Second I have a sensitive skin, and even with the sharpest razor I cannot do 2 passes everyday without hurting my skin.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
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  6. #26
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    If I leave it for 2 days Iget a very close shave with 2 passes &no irritation,I have to moisturise because of sensitive skin.
    Proraso shave milk has been the best product for me so far.
    If I shave in the morning I look like I need to shave again in the evening regardless of what razor I use.
    The post 2 day shave does seem to last longer before needing a touch up.
    What can I say ,Ineed to shave twice a day to look buffed,this is not always practicle.Paul

  7. #27
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    Default Isaac shaves

    Isaac: I suspect you are using too much pressure, too steep and angle, razor is not sharp enough and skin is not taut enough under the edge, or a combination of the above. Make a conscious effort to note mentally what goes into your worst shaves as opposed to your best.

    a key to success is repeatability of the technique that has given you good shaves. These is no reason you can't, with practice, get BBS every time, given the proper technique for your face.

    Shaving with a straight is a developed skill...make note of what works as opposed to what does not


  8. #28
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    It's pointless for me to shave every facial hair isn't growing that fast yet. Still, that every other day or every third day shave is one of the most enjoyable activities I have, especially since I don't need much money or other people to do it.

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