View Poll Results: How thoroughly do you shave?

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  • One pass then I'm off to work before I'm late. I'm not a slave to my shaving.

    10 5.71%
  • Two passes to get it pretty smooth. I enjoy spending some time on it if I'm not rushed.

    107 61.14%
  • Three passes with scented candles and atmospheric music. Shaving is a journey, not a destination.

    25 14.29%
  • As many as it takes to get that fabled BBS! I might have OCPD!

    33 18.86%
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  1. #41
    Member inawe's Avatar
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    being a single father it is hard to find the time to always shave the way i would like. usually i shave twice a week with a straight and twice with a de.

    when i do shave with a straight i am in it for the luxury. i spend 30-45 minutes and do a very nice 2 plus just a touch of clean up shave. my face ends up being 80%+ bbs and my neck... only 30% or so. this is completely without irritation or weepers or nicks. i am very satisfied with my result. btw- my def of bbs is very stringent ie must not be able to feel any stubble when pressing into my skin moving against the grain (can not even see any hair usually).

    when i shave with a de- i do it quickly in the shower. 2+ shave that is not bad- very smooth when feeling with the grain and just a bit of stubble left when pressing against the grain.

    honestly, i could never shave every day. 24 hours after i shave there is not enough there to shave again. i have to wait at least 36 hours if not 48 before i can shave again.

    i know that some people pay $50 or more for a professional luxury shave so over the course of a year i am saving enough to almost offset the money dump into this 'hobby'.


  2. #42
    Member awk5's Avatar
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    I usually do 2 passes, but if I have the time I may do three or more to chase the perfect BBS shave.


  3. #43
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    Whatever it takes to 'git er done!'.

    Interesting enough... when I started back in March, it never took more than 2 passes. Today, it might take up to four passes to BBS. Am I getting worse? Not really. In March, I had a full beard and all I was shaving was the "trim". Those areas of my beard were not nearly as tough as the areas that take much longer now since I shaved my complete face. To be honest, I shaved the beard off because I was enjoying shaving more than ever.
    No music, candles, or any other distraction. Just me and my and all my shaving paraphernalia.

    How many of you 1-2 pass to BBS have beards and are trimming?

  4. #44
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    I went with as many as it takes, although usually 3 passes and I'm bbs. However, I do tend to be a little ocd when it comes to shaving. (I think we all are if we would admit many mugs,brushes, scuttles soaps and razors do we actually "Need" to get that perfect shave lol) (Hi, my name is Tony, and I'm a shaving addict)

  5. #45
    Junior Member rfury's Avatar
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    As many as it takes.. But lets be a little serious.. I am not OCD.. LOL.
    It generally takes 3 passes plus a touch up to get a real nice shave, I do this with the Str8, and the DE.
    The Str8 takes me more time to do things right, I am still learning.

    I don't have music playing, nor candles, although Music does seem like a great Idea....+1 on that.
    Maybe some Frank Sinatra would be good shaving music, or Rod Stewat...Thats been done.

    Anyway, I do try to get a very close smooth shave, I work in the Office, or in the Operating room, so, appearance is important to me.

    The shave has become my morning ritual, my day just seems to go so much better, having a relaxing shave.


  6. #46
    Lord of Lurkers Presently42's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Sandwich.

    Whilst I voted for the three pass option, this is merely because I can't do any more; my skin will not have it. This does not (yet) result in a BBS shave. However, my noobie technique improves with every shave; some day, all I will need is three passes to BBS. But not this day.

  7. #47
    Senior Member iron maiden's Avatar
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    I'm a 3 pass kinda guy.....although I don't use the scented candles.

  8. #48
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    I'm kinda none of those.

    2 proper shaving passes and a little clean up here and there with water only.

    2.5 as some suggest?

    p.s. funny wording in the poll.

  9. #49
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    What's a pass? The blade touching the skin once? I was watching Lynn's video and he sometimes does a couple of scrapes in the same spot without relathering. That's what I do.

    I do one careful pass, but my chin gets done with both my right and my left hand (with a bit of a relather in between) because it's the trickiest and thickest part. Maybe I should say 1.5.

    When I'm done it's a presentable shave, but not BBS. I don't think I can get BBS. Thick beard, wiry whiskers, sharply angled. I tried to BBS my cheeks last week. Did four passes and I could still feel a little bit of stubble if I went in just the right direction xtg. And that's on my cheeks, a fairly easy part.

    Anyone else feel like he's not BBSable?

  10. #50
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    I do a WTG and ATG pass and that is it for me. I get much closer than the cartridge I dropped 6 months ago and I love every minute of it. I might graduate to the XTG pass one day but I am not rushing it!

    For me, it is like a Japanese tea ceremony. Every step is taken as a separate action to perfect.

    Great thread!


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