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  1. #21
    Dedicated Lurker T-Ram's Avatar
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    +1 to Iron Beard

    I'm still fairly new at this myself, but have found that my LH is a better shaver than my RH even though I am right handed.

    For most XTG and all ATG, I find myself instictively using the opposite hand. ie left neck and cheek uses right hand, right neck and cheek uses left hand. Maybe I'm all screwed up, but it works for me. Stil cannot figure a way to do front of neck efficiently as my growth pattern down there is almost all sideways. Very difficult to even do WTG.


  2. #22
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    Sherlock Holmes once demonstrated his superior skills of observation by telling Watson he knew his shaving light was on the right because he was never as cleanly shaved on the left. I think Watson was just right handed.

    "I've been Ayn Randed and nearly branded a Communist 'caule I'm left handed. That's the hand to use! Well, never min."...Paul Simon

  3. #23
    Member Iron_Beard's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by T-Ram View Post
    Stil cannot figure a way to do front of neck efficiently as my growth pattern down there is almost all sideways. Very difficult to even do WTG.
    The beard under my chin grows sideways as well an is a real challenge. I can get it cleaned up but only with lots of repetition and at the cost of aftershave being a little more bracing down there at the end of the shave.

    I suppose I'll eventually find an efficient way to shave that area but if someone else has solved it I invite them to chime in. I prefer to learn from other's mistakes instead of mine, when I can.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Beard View Post
    The beard under my chin grows sideways as well an is a real challenge. I can get it cleaned up but only with lots of repetition and at the cost of aftershave being a little more bracing down there at the end of the shave.

    I suppose I'll eventually find an efficient way to shave that area but if someone else has solved it I invite them to chime in. I prefer to learn from other's mistakes instead of mine, when I can.
    With the caveat that everyone's face is different, the solution to my problem involves a sharp razor, extreme chin positions and stretching. I just think you need to experiment.

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