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Thread: Pointers for shaving GF's legs

  1. #21
    Ladies Corner and General Chat CarrieM's Avatar
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    Dave, I am not even going to ask how you knew you shouldn't sneeze. Ouch!!

  2. #22
    Senior Member TonyJ's Avatar
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    I have noticed after few times that I liked thin framebacks more than heavier blades.
    Or another option is 4/8 Helje.
    With frameback I can keep the pressure almost nil. I just slide the blade over the leg and the edge cuts the hair by itself. It's more sliding feeling than with heavier blades where I have to focus all the time to keep the pressure precisely. If I lose touch with heavier the blade starts to plow deeper and it causes irritation. The more relaxed I am the more relaxed she is.
    Also balancing the blade is much senseless with light framebacks than heavier one's.
    I don't stretch the skin at all.
    As said before I too lather up only 1/4 of the leg to prevent pointless drying. I shave WTG and ATG sequentially in the same 1/4 and try to keep other parts without rinse to prevent freezing and get goosepimples.
    I'm not a big fan of shaving sticks but they works pretty well in leg shaving. The lather doesn't dry in to the bowl and I get a precise amount of lather and if it ends up during process she doesn't have to wait and freeze while I'm whipping like a mad a new load.
    Like Bart said cold water rinse works well and closes the pores.
    After towel drying I/She use Ceridal lipolotion by Stiefel laboratories. It's a thin body lotion which enters the skin well. I think it's Physiogel in States.

  3. #23
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    I haven't used a straight yet, but my wife really enjoys it when I shave her legs with a DE and TOBS Avocado. Our tub is a huge jetted thing, so it isn't a bit awkward.

    I know their legs feel nice and soft, but believe it or not, they're actually quite tough when it comes to shaving. Don't hesitate to go against the grain. I'm not saying be careless by any means, but I do believe the majority of women do one ATG pass and call it good.

  4. #24
    Junior Member Nulq's Avatar
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    Nice 3/8 and TOBS Rose shaving cream, and my GF was instantly hooked. I'm afraid I have to shave her legs from now on, and she won't take no. What a horrible fate.

    We have found that for her, one pass ATG will do the trick. And it seems cold water pass is not as essential as with my facial hair, because her leg hair is so thin that I can use very light touch, so that her skin is not usually irritated at all. (I would still rinse with cold water, just to be sure, but she absolutely hates it. )

  5. #25
    Coticule researcher
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nulq View Post
    Nice 3/8 and TOBS Rose shaving cream, and my GF was instantly hooked. I'm afraid I have to shave her legs from now on, and she won't take no. What a horrible fate.

    We have found that for her, one pass ATG will do the trick. And it seems cold water pass is not as essential as with my facial hair, because her leg hair is so thin that I can use very light touch, so that her skin is not usually irritated at all. (I would still rinse with cold water, just to be sure, but she absolutely hates it. )
    You simply MUST insist on the cold water rinse. A firm stance is in order here. During the summer, which is Outdoors Female Leg Shaving season par excellence, I can really recommend the garden hose...

  6. #26
    Senior Member Lt.Arclight's Avatar
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    Try to keep your mind on the TASK at hand......

  7. #27
    Senior Member claytor's Avatar
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    Default Success

    Well, all went well (no nicks, no irritation). Only did the lower part of one of her legs due to time and some other logistics, but she seemed to enjoy it. Again, thanks for the tips everyone. I used a 5/8 easy aces with Orange and Rum TGQ since she likes the scent.

  8. #28
    Senior Member jszabo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post
    Get her good and drunk the first time.

    my wife wont let me shave her legs i think she is scared. i guess i could fill a watermellon with moonshine though no better not there would be h*ll to pay in the morning

  9. #29
    Ladies Corner and General Chat CarrieM's Avatar
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    Claytor, Glad to hear it went well. It will only improve with practice.

  10. #30
    Strapping Young Lad DeathMetalDremel's Avatar
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    ladies.. when you shave your legs with a straight, do you do more than one pass like us gents do for our faces? or just one. my GF is going to let me shave her legs and im super exited for it.

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