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  1. #11
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    I prefer to shave in the morning, as it helps we to wake up and I feel fresher throughout the day. I do shave in the evenings sometimes, especially if I have to get an extra-early start. Best of luck on your interview.



  2. #12
    Senior Member cyclelu's Avatar
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    Morning Shave is the best way to start the day.

    A nice HOT shower and you are ready to shave and have a great day. The few times that I have shaved at night, it just does not feel right the next morning.

    Just wake up 30 - 45 minutes earlier and All will be good!

  3. #13
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    My morning routine consists of getting up, exercise, put on the coffee, shower, shave and the rest is routine. It's looking forward to that morning shave that really gets me out of bed.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Mornings, coffee and a shaving mug do not always go together...

    Never put whipped cream or frothed milk on your coffee and take it
    into the shave den. The two mugs look too much the same and coffee+cream
    make for a poor to just so so shave.

  5. #15
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    My mornings start at 2pm, I'm lucky to be in bead by 6am... Even in the Army I couldn't get to sleep before 2 or 3am drag butt out of bed at 4:30 and run 7 miles... nap till formation and deal with the day... I'm a terminal night owl...

    Shave at night before bed and still be good to go even for military standards

  6. #16
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    I start work at 6am, and I prefer to spend the time before I leave with my coffee

    I shave when I get back from work at (about 5 pm); I can then have a nice realxing shave, which really helps me unwind from the grief & stress of the day

    Have fun !

    Best regards


  7. The Following User Says Thank You to PhatMan For This Useful Post:

    SLICKYINC (06-06-2010)

  8. #17
    Senior Member Frankenstein's Avatar
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    Mornings for me too. I get up, have something to eat and a nice hot cup of coffee, then a shower, then go through my stretches and exercises. I then get dressed, strop and shave. After the shave it's time for the second cup and I enjoy sitting there faceturbating.

    Like many of you gentlemen, I feel the day cannot be started without a shave.
    I love the smell of shaving cream in the morning!

  9. #18
    Junior Member sloppyjoec's Avatar
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    My ideal morning routine: wake up, put kettle on stove, shower, take hot water off stove, pour half in coffee press and rest in "poor boy" scuttle, shave, dress and take coffee to go. Does anyone have their coffee while shaving, I would love to hear about someone dunking a sudsy brush in their coffee!

  10. #19
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    Default I feel your pain

    Quote Originally Posted by red96ta View Post
    Ugh...working job interview on Monday. I suppose that's the only good part to come of this post. But at any rate, I digress. Since my interview is in the early afternoon, I don't want to show up with 24 hours of growth, so this weekend, I've changed my routine to include shaving in the morning. I gotta say, this stinks! Do you morning guys integrate a hot cup of coffee into your morning ritual? I just stood in front of the mirror and tried not to nod off and slice my head off...
    I am military and we run early. To be in the military physical training gear, you have to be clean shaven. I like to shower before the shave, so my day is kind of ridiculous. I get up around 4:15 every morning, grab the coffee that starts brewing at 4:11, take a hot shower with the brush soaking in hot water. Then I lather, strop and shave. Out the door by 5:05 or 5:10 to meet for the run at 5:30. When we are done, it's off to the gym for a second shower and then off to work.

    I could settle for a crappy shave with a disposable and skip the first shower. Then I could sleep in until 4:45ish, but I think the clean shave is well worth it.


  11. The Following User Says Thank You to slim5111 For This Useful Post:

    sloppyjoec (06-06-2010)

  12. #20
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    I love this guy on TV and heres a good article or article(s) incase you are wondering

    Should I shave my beard daily? | Ask Dr. Oz

    Good Luck!

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