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Thread: What is it with shaving 3 day stubble

  1. #31
    I'm Mike & I'm a shave soap addict. MichaelFrancis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dewey81 View Post
    You all are missing the most obvious solution. When you wait 3 days it allows the metal in your razor to "rest". Duh. Have we forgotten why we have more than one razor??? Sheesh.

    I always rotate my razors. I have sensitive skin and my facial hair doesn't grow in as thick or as fast as some. Therefore, I must give it a couple of days before I shave again. If I shave again on the next day, even with a different razor then there is a lot of irritation, still. Remember, everybody is different.
    Last edited by MichaelFrancis; 10-07-2012 at 05:33 AM.

  2. #32
    Senior Member lindyhop66's Avatar
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    Maybe he was joking. I have 38 straights and it really doesn't matter if I use the same razor every day or rotate razors, 2 or 3 days growth shaves smoother and easier. I don't think the resting edge is real, just an urban myth.

  3. #33
    I'm Mike & I'm a shave soap addict. MichaelFrancis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lindyhop66 View Post
    Maybe he was joking. I have 38 straights and it really doesn't matter if I use the same razor every day or rotate razors, 2 or 3 days growth shaves smoother and easier. I don't think the resting edge is real, just an urban myth.

    I did think it was a joke at first, but I didn't see anything that indicated that it was.

  4. #34
    Padawan Learner dewey81's Avatar
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    Sorry, I should have put a just kidding or something down. My fault. There was an old school myth that you should let your razor "rest" for so long between shaves. I can't remember if it was started by an actual razor company or just the barbers\users.

  5. #35
    Member Chris24's Avatar
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    not sure why shaving a 3 day growth seems easier to get a clean shave.
    I shave every day and look forward to the morning shave, so guess I will never know.

  6. #36
    I'm Mike & I'm a shave soap addict. MichaelFrancis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dewey81 View Post
    Sorry, I should have put a just kidding or something down. My fault. There was an old school myth that you should let your razor "rest" for so long between shaves. I can't remember if it was started by an actual razor company or just the barbers\users.
    No worries. It's kind of hard to detect sarcasm through words on a screen.

  7. #37
    Member drmatt357's Avatar
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    Default What is it with shaving 3 day stubble

    Quote Originally Posted by lindyhop66 View Post
    Maybe he was joking. I have 38 straights and it really doesn't matter if I use the same razor every day or rotate razors, 2 or 3 days growth shaves smoother and easier. I don't think the resting edge is real, just an urban myth.
    I like that! "Urban Myth". Kinda like "rolling an edge" on a strop!!!!

  8. #38
    Senior Member lindyhop66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drmatt357 View Post
    I like that! "Urban Myth". Kinda like "rolling an edge" on a strop!!!!
    Yes, maybe so. I keep reading that too and I've never been able to roll the edge, whatever that would mean and I'm a relative noobie at stropping.

  9. #39
    Member drmatt357's Avatar
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    Default What is it with shaving 3 day stubble

    If anyone has a doubt that rolling the edge is a myth, watch this old timer, who could teach most of us a thing or two, break EVERY stropping rule in the book and he obviously gets great edges!

  10. #40
    Senior Member lindyhop66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drmatt357 View Post
    If anyone has a doubt that rolling the edge is a myth, watch this old timer, who could teach most of us a thing or two, break EVERY stropping rule in the book and he obviously gets great edges!
    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
    That is a different stropping technique. Makes me feel better about "breaking the rules".

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