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Thread: What Do You Have In The Mail Right Now?

  1. #6311
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Got my goodies after work.
    My rolls blade says 35 on it, and now I get what you mean about the guard Tom.
    The handle telescopes, not a two piece type Steve, so I think all the parts are there. the only ball and spring I see, in the handle seems to slide along the spine of the blade holding pressure, but doesn't really find a centre detent on either side of the blade.
    Also I don't know how this blade is supposed to lock into the strop handle, mine seems to want to pop out very easily. Is it a turn and push type groove, or is there supposed to be a ball and spring inside the blade as well?
    Neat design though..
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    This autostrop is supposed to have a strop? The name makes sense then. This one didn't come with one, but I can get the comb moving again so think it will clean up steel box as well. And a sleeve of 1932 blades, made in Canada. Hehe.
    Eric, if you have a spare, I'd be in your debt sir.
    I see another little rabbit hole to jump into with these travel razors..

    He threw in a busted wind up type Kris kros blade homer as well for me to play with. All gears and whirls things,, stuff.
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    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  2. #6312
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    They are very cool, I found a Rolls...was in the case and everything, is pretty much NOS, blade is still very sharp, but I doubt "shave ready" sharp, going to use Tom's method and get it up to snuff...then get some alcohol and band-aid's ready for when I slice a flap of flesh off the side of my face...they look remarkably easy to do some major damage with.

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  3. #6313
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Here we go....

    As you pop the guard off a ball will come out. Put it back when done!

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    The Rolls with the guide is nearly foolproof for a straight-shaver.
    Big fun!

  4. #6314
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    4 maggard finest knots and a couple brush handles to restore.

    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
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  5. #6315
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Here we go....

    As you pop the guard off a ball will come out. Put it back when done!

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    The Rolls with the guide is nearly foolproof for a straight-shaver.
    Big fun!
    Excellent info Tom, and a reminder, we actually have a "Rolls Razor Fans" thread on the site:

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Phrank For This Useful Post:

    MikeB52 (09-23-2017)

  7. #6316
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    If I am not mistaken, there are several!
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  8. #6317
    Senior Member WILDMAN1's Avatar
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    Here is the razor I was waiting on. Turns out to be an H. Boker and Co., not a Clauss. This pic is after a 15-20 minutes of naval jelly. I'll work on polishing it up and getting it shaving-ready tomorrow, if I can. I have a section of fence that needs my attention first!
    I'm going to replace the drab scales with something sweet. Anybody want to buy them? If not, I'll throw them away. I don't have a use for them and they don't fit this razor. I know because of this, they were not the original scales.
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  9. #6318
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    Snake Bite after shave
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  10. #6319
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    B52, I see now the handle looks complete so good deal! I also have one of those Kris Kros stroppers. They work the same way the Twinplex does except some of the twinplex have a razor hone built in the cover. Ya gotta watch out for those being broken as well if ya ever see one real cheap. If I remember right, I think I have a Twinplex razor.

    Edit: I do have one & I thought it was a Felt Pad Razor. I was right:

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    Last edited by engine46; 09-24-2017 at 06:42 AM.
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  11. #6320
    Senior Member WILDMAN1's Avatar
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    Ok, what's a felt pad razor? Laugh.

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