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Thread: Wohoo i got myself a boat :)

  1. #51
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post

    Looks like a fun boat, Magnus. ENJOY!

    The last "boat" I was on was 1,067' long. Displaced 84K tons and could still do 63kmh (39mph) at flank speed thanks to the 4 70K hp steam turbines. The "rooster tail" was quite impressive when the skipper turned up the juice and tried to shake everything loose.

    She now resides at the bottom of the Atlantic.
    Capt. Wullie at the controls when USS America does rooster tail.

  2. #52
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by engine46 View Post
    Capt. Wullie at the controls when USS America does rooster tail.
    Something tells me Wullie had 'other' responsibilities!

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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  3. #53
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Something tells me Wullie had 'other' responsibilities!

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    I thought maybe Wullie was multitasking!

  4. #54
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Something tells me Wullie had 'other' responsibilities!

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    Did some of that at times. Most times it was this.
    Decorating Mk-82 500lb GP bombs with the M904E2 time delay nose fuze. I was attaching the the fahnstock clips to the arming wire in preparation for yet another ALPHA STRIKE on Hanoi.

    When all that was done and flight quarters was sounded, it was dress for success.

    and go pull pins with the CAG arming crew on Cat 2 on the port side bow cat.
    VA-82, CAG-8, USS AMERICA CVA-66, Task Force 77.


    Second Place, SE Asia War Games, because Nixon caved to the press.
    Member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, participant SE Asia War Games 1972-1973. The oath I swore has no statute of limitation.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Wullie For This Useful Post:

    sharptonn (09-07-2014)

  6. #55
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Thanks for your service Wullie Dad was on the USS Stanley ..a guided missile Destroyer,the USS Chandlier and other ships I can't remember.
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    Wullie (09-06-2014)

  8. #56
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Dang, Wullie! You were just a wee lad! So, why'd you quit the Navy? Should have been a career man!
    Today's Navy is MUCH more exciting!

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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  9. #57
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Right on Wullie, I greatly appreciate your services to our country. My dad was in a P-47 Fighter Group. He saw some gruesome stuff & got two Purple Hearts from being injured so He didn't want me to join. I had just barely missed the draft but regret not going against his wishes & joining. I always kick myself in the ass for not doing so. Now it's too late. Thank you & all others, fallen or not for your service to our country!
    sharptonn likes this.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to engine46 For This Useful Post:

    Wullie (09-06-2014)

  11. #58
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Dang, Wullie! You were just a wee lad! So, why'd you quit the Navy? Should have been a career man!
    Today's Navy is MUCH more exciting!

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    That's pretty much the way I see a lot of our 'new' navy.

    I quit because being a BB stacker in the peace time Navy was not a good place for advancement. I'd passed the tests for e-5 and e-6 but was stuck at e-4. They offered a bunch of us early outs if we'd join up with the weekend warriors. Did that got my E-5 rating immediately. Messed with those clown's heads for three years and went on about my rat killing. If I'd shipped over for 6 more years in the reserves, I'd have picked up my E-6 and could probably have made Chief (E-7) in two years. Had bigger fish to fry.

    I knew some P-47 drivers from back in the day. The stuff they did with those big assed birds is amazing.

    War sucks, but at least we tried and with the help of a lot of like minded countries we WON that one. War is just another dirty business nowadays.

    Meantime, I want to see Magnus' boat kicking up rooster tails.
    sharptonn likes this.
    Member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, participant SE Asia War Games 1972-1973. The oath I swore has no statute of limitation.

  12. #59
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by engine46 View Post
    Right on Wullie, I greatly appreciate your services to our country. My dad was in a P-47 Fighter Group. He saw some gruesome stuff & got two Purple Hearts from being injured so He didn't want me to join. I had just barely missed the draft but regret not going against his wishes & joining. I always kick myself in the ass for not doing so. Now it's too late. Thank you & all others, fallen or not for your service to our country!
    You're very welcome Wullie anytime!!!!

  13. #60
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    That's pretty much the way I see a lot of our 'new' navy.

    I quit because being a BB stacker in the peace time Navy was not a good place for advancement. I'd passed the tests for e-5 and e-6 but was stuck at e-4. They offered a bunch of us early outs if we'd join up with the weekend warriors. Did that got my E-5 rating immediately. Messed with those clown's heads for three years and went on about my rat killing. If I'd shipped over for 6 more years in the reserves, I'd have picked up my E-6 and could probably have made Chief (E-7) in two years. Had bigger fish to fry.

    I knew some P-47 drivers from back in the day. The stuff they did with those big assed birds is amazing.

    War sucks, but at least we tried and with the help of a lot of like minded countries we WON that one. War is just another dirty business nowadays.

    Meantime, I want to see Magnus' boat kicking up rooster tails.
    When I asked my dad about killing, he didn't want to talk about it but on the other hand he told me about when they escorted bombers over enemy territory to bomb places such as ball bearing factories so that hitler could not have wheel bearings & such for their planes & tanks & other vehicles. I loved hearing those stories & he received two Purple Hearts from being injured. He was a radio repairman amongst other things & here is a pic of him going on a test flight to test a WWII ace's radio on his plane. Notice how many planes that particular ace shot down!
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    sharptonn and Wullie like this.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to engine46 For This Useful Post:

    Wullie (09-06-2014)

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