Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
Sorry for the rant its just that whenever they post a full size pix it makes it difficult to read all the posts.
No problem about the rant... I feel the same way. This is all complicated by the fact that some people have their monitors set to 800x600 resolution, some to 1024x768, still others use 1280x768, and others even higher. And it's even more confused when you consider that PCs and Macs expect different DPIs (96 vs 72). So a displayed picture that's "way too big" for someone running 800x600 may only fill 2/3 of the screen when viewing at 1600x1200. You can find more than you wanted to know about resolutions on [Wikipedia]... it says...
"The 640×480 resolution, introduced with the IBM PS/2 VGA and MCGA (multi-color) on-board graphics chips, was the standard resolution in the IBM PC compatibles from 1990 to around 1996, partly due to its 4:3 ratio. 800×600 was the standard resolution until around 2000. Since then, 1024×768 has been the standard resolution. Many web sites and multimedia products are designed for this resolution."
I kinda disagree with the date ranges given... I think the move to 800X600 occurred a little earlier, but there's no denying that 1024x768 has been the mainstay for the past 6-8 years. So, I encourage everyone to change their settings to at least 1024x768. (If things are too small at that size you need to consider buying a larger monitor the next time you see a good sale and can afford to do so. )