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  1. #1
    Real Live Barber chay2K's Avatar
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    Default Thanks Etiquette

    I know that this might sound funny, but is it possible to be overly-thanky? For example: If you thank someone for a useful post and then in turn ask a question or illicit some response, to which, the same person replies; should they be thanked again? Is there a limit to the number of times that you should be thanking a single person within the same thread? Or, should every bit of useful information be recognized? I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I don't want the sheer number of my thanks to come across as insincere either. THANKS.
    "The ability to reason the un-reason which has afflicted my reason saps my ability to reason, so that I complain with good reason..."
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  2. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to chay2K For This Useful Post:

    bamboozle (12-24-2010), Catrentshaving (12-20-2010), danbrew (12-28-2010), goaT (12-21-2010), Grizzley1 (12-28-2010), matt321 (12-24-2010), NoseWarmer (12-21-2010), Obie (12-21-2010), oldsCool (12-20-2010), sharptonn (12-24-2010), Sheebay (12-23-2010), Slartibartfast (12-20-2010)

  3. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    There are no rules, official or otherwise, so I believe you can thank or not thank as much or as little as you want or don't want.

  4. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

    Alembic (12-23-2010), chay2K (12-20-2010), Grizzley1 (12-28-2010), NoseWarmer (12-21-2010), sharptonn (12-24-2010), Sheebay (12-23-2010), simpleman (12-21-2010)

  5. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    There is no rule...

    Here is what I do and look for...

    If somebody takes their time to directly answer a question for you, you should thank them, even if it was just with a link to the pertinent info... They took their time to do it...

    If there is a post with tons of good info and you found it helpful to you even if it wasn't exactly directed to you, you should say thanks...

    Basically if somebody does something that you find helpful then heck with it, say thanks...

    As to over thanking, hmmm that is a tuff one, I err to the side of many thanks rather than few thanks hehehe

  6. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    BanjoTom (12-21-2010), Bruce (12-22-2010), chay2K (12-20-2010), Grizzley1 (12-28-2010), JimBC (12-28-2010), NoseWarmer (12-21-2010), oldsCool (12-20-2010), pinklather (12-21-2010), sharptonn (12-24-2010), Sheebay (12-23-2010), str8fencer (12-21-2010), Stubear (12-21-2010)

  7. #4
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    For a new member, this was very informative. Thanks for asking and for the answers!

  8. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to oldsCool For This Useful Post:

    chay2K (12-20-2010), Mixmaster (12-21-2010), NoseWarmer (12-21-2010), sharptonn (12-24-2010), Sheebay (12-23-2010), Slartibartfast (12-20-2010)

  9. #5
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    No rules per se, gratitude is due as you see fit. You can thank me if you wish, I wont be offended! LOL
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  10. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to nun2sharp For This Useful Post:

    Bruce (12-22-2010), chay2K (12-20-2010), Gracecab (12-21-2010), NoseWarmer (12-21-2010), sharptonn (12-24-2010), Sheebay (12-23-2010)

  11. #6
    Poor Fit
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    I view it just like saying thanks out in the "real world" lol. If I appreciate what someone has posted or if touches me in some way then there's nothing wrong with saying thanks as many times as you need. If someone takes the time to leave a comment or help you...why not

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Catrentshaving For This Useful Post:

    chay2K (12-20-2010), NoseWarmer (12-21-2010), sharptonn (12-24-2010)

  13. #7
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Thanks Etiquette

    Ladies and gentlemen:

    Should a boundary exist for one gentleman to thank another? For one lady to show gratitude to another?

    Exactly, then, how does one determine what level of gratitude deserves a "thank you"?

    Should I, therefore, not thank someone whose advice, perhaps, falls short of the concrete even though he or she has tried? Does the expert who offers detailed advice, then, deserve more thanks than the one who has tried but failed to match the expert's level of knowledge?

    Civility and good manners — a gentleman's and a lady's way — dictate a thank you for, if nothing else, acknowledging that someone has given me the courtesy to respond to my question, or comment.

    So, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for reading.


  14. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Obie For This Useful Post:

    CarrieM (12-21-2010), chay2K (12-21-2010), Maxi (12-22-2010), NoseWarmer (12-21-2010), Otto (12-21-2010), Pops! (12-21-2010), Rmaldon240 (12-21-2010), sharptonn (12-24-2010), str8fencer (12-21-2010), Stubear (12-21-2010)

  15. #8
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    i tend to use the thanks button as an englishman uses the word cheers..

    if i like what was said.. i hit the thanks button.. if it was particularly useful.. i reply with the word thanks..

    and as a general rule.. pretty much any post that comes from either jimmy or obie end up warranting a thanks.

  16. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Pops! For This Useful Post:

    chay2K (12-21-2010), NoseWarmer (12-21-2010), Obie (12-21-2010), sharptonn (12-24-2010)

  17. #9
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    I look at it like this. If someone cares enough to help me out with a question i have or to instruct me on how to better do something i think its only right i thank them to show them i acknoloage that they took the time to do somethign for me.

  18. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Deerhunter1995 For This Useful Post:

    chay2K (12-22-2010), NoseWarmer (12-21-2010), sharptonn (12-24-2010)

  19. #10
    Kuala Lumpur Str8Fighter moonbeam's Avatar
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    Default Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    There are no rules, official or otherwise, so I believe you can thank or not thank as much or as little as you want or don't want.
    Yeah,that's the best answer.

  20. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to moonbeam For This Useful Post:

    chay2K (12-22-2010), NoseWarmer (12-28-2010)

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