View Poll Results: Do you think Combe altered the Williams Mug Soap formula?

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Thread: Combe: We did not change Williams Mug Soap! (Case No. 490334)

  1. #1
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Default Combe: We did not change Williams Mug Soap! (Case No. 490334)

    Every once in a while I try to make modern Williams work for nostalgic reasons then give up. Last week I grated a puck with a cheese grater and got a tremendous, lasting lather but then it hardened again and I got the same old stuff. I tried keeping it submerged in water but it was too slurpy and did the usual disappearing act on my face, while at the same time dripping all over my t-shirt. (The only caviat is that I am a cold water shaver, so I don't use hot water.) I wrote them suggesting that if it worked like it used to I would become a customer. Despite a different ingredients list on boxes of vintage Williams they still maintain that they haven't altered it:

    Dear Mr. Ayers:
    Thank you for your email to Combe Incorporated. We sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to your request.

    With regards to Mug Soap we have not changed nor altered the formula of this product.
    We appreciate your continued interest in Williams Mug Soap®. We hope others will be influenced by your enthusiasm for the product.

    Again, we apologize for the delay and want to thank you for taking the time to contact us and appreciate your patience.
    Consumer Resources Consultant
    Case #490334
    Do not reply to this email. If you wish to reply, Please Click Here Combe | The most personal personal care products in the world..
    beavisd likes this.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member ZeroCool's Avatar
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    Very interesting. I'd send them a pic of two boxes next to each other, one vintage and one new, both showing the ingredients.

    I agree, if this soap performed like this back in the day I can't see how it's still around. I only gave or give it a go to try and get it to work. Sometimes it's decent but most it's more work then it's worth.

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  4. #3
    Member beavisd's Avatar
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    Combe absolutely changed the Williams Mug Soap! When you compare a vintage Williams puck with a current production one, it is obvious that they are different. I just compared a Beecham version with a Combe version, and the Beecham version is definitely better. I have a few 70's era Williams pucks, and they are superior to the Beecham version. It seems like the older the version, the better.
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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have tried my circa 1920-30s Williams shave stick and even after all those years it is still better than the current Williams incarnation by a long shot. I don't think Consumer Resources Consultants know much about their own products but that is not unusual these days I think. Do I think the Williams soap formula has changed over the years, you bet I do.

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  6. #5
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    This reminds me of the Old Spice debate, where some wholeheartedly believe the official P&G line that they didn't alter the original formula in any way, shape or form. I'm one of those that wholeheartedly believe that they did

    IIRC vintage Williams listed tallow/sodium tallowate as the first ingredient; now it's listed as the second. It doesn't seem like much of a coincidence that most find the modern version inferior to the vintage....

  7. #6
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    There is definitely a difference:

    FWIW, I like the new formula too. I've never had a problem with the lather not lasting long enough or not giving good shaves. There are other soaps I like much better, of course, but I don't classify new production Williams as bad soap.

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  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yea, well it is just barely here in my book. It is usable but as they say just meets standards.

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  9. #8
    Senior Member Mcbladescar's Avatar
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    Just playin devil's advocate here but you didnt give a time reference in your query.
    The person that replied to you may have been there for a very short time and i dont really want to make an age reference here but well, you get my point

    edit: without seeing your letter you may have referred to "vintage" etc
    and the responder like myself only read part of it
    Last edited by Mcbladescar; 08-01-2013 at 02:10 AM. Reason: further investigation

  10. #9
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Inferior ingredients? I mean the formula could be the same but the quality of the ingredients have changed. I imagine to keep it at around 1.50 you could not use the best stuff out there.

    I like the new stuff btw
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  11. #10
    Senior Member bruseth's Avatar
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    Yeah, the person who replied could be telling the truth - they didn't change the formula; since yesterday that is "Oh, wait, we didn't change the formula, since I came in this morning."

    Of course they changed the formula. And why? Because they could save .5 cents on each puck! It's stupid and sad what happens to fine old products when they are bought out by big companies, just for the purpose of saving a few pennies - out of greed. They completely ruin a product.
    Wouldn't it be great if another company could step in and offer the exact same soap, with the exact same formula, of Williams, from about 50 yrs. ago, or whenever they were good? Then sell it as a 'knockoff' under a similar name, like 'Billiams'? Of course the big conglomerate would sue their pants off ;-( I think most people would be just fine with paying a few bucks more for the original, fine product.
    Wouldn't it be great to have Old Spice smelling just like it used to? The memories that would bring back. I used to get Old Spice deodorant and after shave from my mom every Christmas. How I looked forward to that. And how I loved the smell of it. Now, it's just junk. How sad.

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