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Thread: The Obie Memorial First Tier Soaps and Creams Thread.

  1. #1241
    Senior Member blabbermouth Thug's Avatar
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    So varying takes on the THB Gunpowder Spice soap.

    I found the scent very pleasing and strong. Definitely more pronounced than all my other soaps which for a change was enjoyable (as opposed to getting a whiff every now and again). Plenty of thick creamy lather and glide. More importantly though, no issues of burning at all.

    I'll keep it as part of my rotation.
    nessmuck and Phrank like this.

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  3. #1242
    Senior Member CamMorris's Avatar
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    After seeing the D.R. Harris brand soaps appearing in a few "Top Tier" lists I ordered a puck of "Arlington" and just tried it out this morning. This is definitely some "Top Tier" stuff! Probably the fastest lathering soap Ive used, love the scent and promotes a very smooth shave! This is about at the top of what I'm willing to pay for a puck of soap, not cheap but for the quality, not unreasonable. Ive looked at some of the others that made the "Top Tier" list and I'm sure they must be great products but I cant see me spending 70-100 bucks on shaving soap. but I will probably treat myself to a Puck of D.R. Harris once in a while!
    Stay Sharp!

  4. #1243
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yup, once you get to the DR Harris price point you hit the rapidly diminishing point of returns on dollars spent. At least that is my view on most things including shave soaps/creams.

    Dieseld likes this.
    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  5. #1244
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    You can never go wrong with the D.R. Harris soaps. Arlington is the most popular, I think. Love the stuff. Arlington is a must in every shave den.

  6. #1245
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    For those who enjoy a nice Citrus scented shave, just had a shave with Musgo, Spiced Citrus, outstanding citrus smell, has definite presence on the nose, with somewhat traditional barbershop scent as well, or maybe it's that "spice"...LOL.

    Fantastic, easy lather with these creams obviously, inexpensive, and the citrus is very nice, always a favourite.

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  8. #1246
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    I like the THB soap, no after burn for me with the soap or the AS. It seemed to improve once melted through a couple layers. It may have separated some. I liked it so much I got some of the THB Regent from Caswell Massey on the way.

    Not sure what gun powder smells like on Long Island, NY maybe they meant baby powder? I can detect a very faint hint of black powder, which I have loaded and shot in the past as well as modern smoke less. Stay frosty my friends.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to MODINE For This Useful Post:

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  10. #1247
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MODINE View Post
    I like the THB soap, no after burn for me with the soap or the AS. It seemed to improve once melted through a couple layers. It may have separated some. I liked it so much I got some of the THB Regent from Caswell Massey on the way.

    Not sure what gun powder smells like on Long Island, NY maybe they meant baby powder? I can detect a very faint hint of black powder, which I have loaded and shot in the past as well as modern smoke less. Stay frosty my friends.
    Excellent, and thanks to your post, did a search again, and found a place that will ship the Regents to on the way for me now as well....can't wait to give this one a try, citrus with some interesting additions.....

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Phrank For This Useful Post:

    Obie (09-28-2017)

  12. #1248
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Yup, once you get to the DR Harris price point you hit the rapidly diminishing point of returns on dollars spent. At least that is my view on most things including shave soaps/creams.

    Yep, it's a very good soap and I even like the cream a good bit. Plus, this company has not screwed around with the ingredients thank goodness. Nothing bad I can say about it....just depends on the scent.

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  14. #1249
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    No problem sir, I don’t think Caswell Massey would trust a 100 year+ formula to a bunch of schmucks to re-create. I would like to get a hold of some of THB Lavender Creeper.

    Just ordered some more Mike’s as well. He was out of my favorite which is the Hungarian lavender. So I got Mike's Haitian vetiver scent which he warns you either love it or hate it. I have a nice French Commes des Garcon series 4 veittveru cologne to pair it with. He may source is vetiver from here..

    Last edited by MODINE; 09-28-2017 at 07:55 PM.

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  16. #1250
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve56 View Post
    Obie brings up some good points about making lather and I will add another, the brush. Not all brushes pick up soap and blend it with water and air to make lather equally well. In the brush threads, people usually are talking about appearance, size, face feel, but one rarely if ever sees a comment about how well the brush makes lather. If I am trying out a soap or cream and it isn't living up to expectations, I'll first try a different brush - it can make the difference between great lather and mediocre lather.

    Cheers, Steve
    I would note that there is a lot of value in knowing your brush.
    Half way in jest I posed a question about what dulled my razors... I have a new +$100.00 brush.

    The true bit is I had been using my favorite $12 boar brush and switched to my +$100.00 brush
    only to find my shave was terrible.... I pondered this and that...

    The answer was the deluxe brush whipped up a lather so thick and quick that my whiskers
    never had a chance to soak up the goodness and soften.

    This is in part what I call "Latherin" if you get "Latherin" right almost any shave soap
    has a chance of pleasing you.
    Play with your soap and brush, too much water, too little, too much soap not so much soap.
    Hot water, cold water face lather and rinse once then re-lather...

    I have a mug with 'expensive' soap in it. It is too deep so I put a puck of Williams on the bottom
    and used a melty amber glycerine shave soap to glue it to the bottom. I have worried my way through
    the expensive soap and hardly noticed that I was shaving with Williams. $15 vs $2.25 here last I checked
    and I hardly noticed....
    It is almost all about "Lathering... " soap + water + brush-action" but the details are important.
    Play with your soaps and learn how to get the most out of it.
    Never toss one unless you or you SO are allergic. Use mediocre soap to play and practice: too much water, too little,
    lots of soap too little soap, brush try them all.

    And BTW the best first brush for a beginner to get in my opinion is the Omega 10098 Professional Boar Shaving Brush.
    it takes more effort to make a great lather but that in turn allows more face prep time if you have whiskers like
    I do where soak time and face lathering help.

    Have a 'standard' brush, soap and razor to compare and contrast with.
    My standard set is the above Omega, Proraso Shaving Cream, and (blush)
    the BiC yellow handle tossable.
    If the new stuff I am playing with does not beat this set of stuff it is rubbish for me.

    Shave with joy.
    Gibbs likes this.

  17. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

    Gibbs (09-29-2017), Obie (09-29-2017)

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