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Thread: Noble Otter 'Lonestar'

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    I like sticking with a soap for at least a week or so. You learn how to get the best out of each soap that way.
    With a lot of the softer artisan soaps, lathering is so easy that it is not necessary to use the same soap for several days. However, I must agree that with hard soaps like Williams, Tabac, MFW, DR Harris, etc. they do seem to develop better lathers if you use them for several days in a row.
    Diboll likes this.

  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    I like sticking with a soap for at least a week or so. You learn how to get the best out of each soap that way.
    Quote Originally Posted by RayClem View Post
    With a lot of the softer artisan soaps, lathering is so easy that it is not necessary to use the same soap for several days. However, I must agree that with hard soaps like Williams, Tabac, MFW, DR Harris, etc. they do seem to develop better lathers if you use them for several days in a row.
    I'm talking more about how much product and how much water will it hold. Does it like the water added slowly, or is it better to start with a wet brush. What type of brush works best with a particular soap.....Those type of things

    I notice that with NO I really feel the sharpness of the razor to where it feels a bit surgical and even though the soap is slick and I get a very close, irritation free shave, the hairs seem tougher for some reason. If I was only using the soap for one shave, I would think that those properties where the character of the razor, not the soap. By using the same soap with different razors I see that it is the soap that is making the razors feel and behave that way.

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