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    Default Williams® Mug Shaving Soap........

    Of course, I'm new on this board (as you can see by my posts).......but I thought I'd try to start a little "lather"..... .....and get some opinions ?

    Since I've started in on this hobby, I've went fairly overboard with brushes, aftershaves.....and especally SOAPS & CREAMS !

    Some are absolutely wonderful (like Tabac), and others.....well.....

    (Bought a puck of "Jasmine" from CS, used it twice, and trung it in the dumpster) !

    Let me get a response from you ! may think I'm crazy, but with all the magnificent, wonderful, expensive creams & hard-soaps out there, do any of you ever feel like that, once in a while, when you just can't take any more have ONE "tried & true" friend that you can rely on to make things good ?

    My Dad always used Williams, and taught me how to shave with it........(and that was a L-O-N-G Time ago) !

    To this day (even though it's a "buck-a-puck" at your local drugstore) I love the smell ! brings me back to my younger days, with it's good, old-fashion "Barbershop" smell !


  2. #2
    JMS is offline
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    Yep! For the last 15 years or so my standard soap has been Col Conks Almond and my after shave has been Dominica Bay Rum!

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Goto Soap

    Gosh that's a tuff one, I have to agree with you about the William's soap it takes me back 40-45 years to when I was kid and watched Pops shave and there was always that Williams scent followed by Old Spice or Aqua Velva AS......

    However if I had to live in a nightmare world where I could only have 1 soap....(what a horrible thought) It would be Ogallala Bay Rum New Formula shave soap, That would be my 1 soap... God can't I have 2 and keep my MWF soap too???????

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Gosh that's a tuff one, I have to agree with you about the William's soap it takes me back 40-45 years to when I was kid and watched Pops shave and there was always that Williams scent followed by Old Spice or Aqua Velva AS......
    PRAISE TO YOU SIX-GUN ! ! ! ..........I thought I was the ONLY one that had Old Spice & Aqua Velva in my cabinet ! ! !........(was ashamed to even mention it) !

    The only after-shave my old man EVER used was OLD-SPICE !

    I've got a BUNCH of new stuff from (from lot's of web-sites)....... ......
    and I like a lot of I said at the start of this thread, just have to go back to basics !


    (come on you'se guy's........all of you !..........tell me what your "comfort-zone" is) !

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    Quote Originally Posted by Markopolo View Post
    PRAISE TO YOU SIX-GUN ! ! ! ..........I thought I was the ONLY one that had Old Spice & Aqua Velva in my cabinet ! ! !........(was ashamed to even mention it) !
    I have both, and I'm proud of it!

    The only after-shave my old man EVER used was OLD-SPICE !
    Mine, too. In fact, I kept his bottle of OS AS after he was killed, and for years I'd occasionally use a bit (I didn't want to use it up) at a time. It was the old style multifaceted clear bottle, not this off-white stuff sold now.

  6. #6
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    I like Williams too. I grew up watching my Grandfather shave w either Williams or Old Spice cakes. My first straight razor shave way back when was with Williams.

    I still use it off and on. Love the scent. I use Old Spice cologne too...

  7. #7
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    Sorry Wanna try something nice, add about 20 drops of pure glycerin to either Old Spice or Aqua Velva, shake and use....Will not change the scent but will make your face love ya more LOL

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    And I failed to mention, I have a cake of Williams for the occasional visi, and also one shredded into my chum soap.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    my standard soap has been Col Conks Almond and my after shave has been Dominica Bay Rum!

    Niiiice !

    Greg Frazer

  10. #10
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    I'm really happy that I'm not the only one who thinks that Williams® is a WONDERFUL hard-soap !

    It's really a sentimental thing........I know there are better lathers out there, but "blood is thicker than water", and if it worked for my Dad, It'll work for me !

    (PS......Just got my bottle of D.R. Harris Sandalwood aftershave from the brown truck, INSTANTLY un-capped it, splashed it on my face....... .....

    WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!.......That's some NICE STUFF ! ! !


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