Early today I ran 6.5 km. The weather was rainy, but quite warm and the exercise was really enjoyable!
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Early today I ran 6.5 km. The weather was rainy, but quite warm and the exercise was really enjoyable!
I have been working really long days lately, and for some reason I seem to get by even better with a good and long run before calling it night.
So, these days I'm finishing most days off with a 10 mile run and a beer :) Makes for a good nights sleep!
Two hours' of bouldering tonight doing mainly under-hanging stuff. I was feeling very strong although it took a little while to get in to it. By the end of it my forearms were so pumped I looked like Popeye...
An hour and a bit of bouldering tonight, my biceps were a little sore; I didn't warm up enough. Did some under hanging stuff and then some flat wall stuff. Tried a new problem and got 1/2 way through it. The problem I found hard a week or so ago I now find quite achievable.
One nice problem I like I did all the way up and then 'down climbed' i.e. did it in reverse. Next time I'll try and send it (climb it), down climb it and then climb up it again...
Well, I have to say Carl, you're an inspiration. I'm starting to devise my own home workout, and getting baselines on what I can do...Push-up's, sit-up's etc. And after I told some of my mates about your video, they've upped their own workout routines. Aside from working out baselines, my other big struggle was choosing a Long Board (like a skateboard, but on steroids). Yep. A middle aged bloke planning on getting back into skateboarding (in a fashion) after 30 plus years of not. It's all exercise though ;).
Temps have been below freezing for the last two weeks. Woke up today and it's 60 F outside! I'm going for a nice long run before the snow comes back.
That's nice (to be an inspiriation) and about the video...
I KNOW I rave about it, but boudlering is a REALLY good workout, esp for those who don't have a LOT of 'extra weight' to move around.
I like 'base line' stuff. I often do 25 pushups (nose to ground) followed by 1 min rest, followed by 25 pushups, 1 min rest and then another set of 25. If I can do that then I'm at a 'standard' (for me) fitness level. Also chinups are a great measure of strength, but of course you can get more reps as you lose 'extra weight'.
(Definition of 'extra weight'.........Fat)
Oh no, I'm not saying that. I'm saying you lardies will be better boulderers with less 'extra weight' :p
Think of it as a positive statement rather than a negative, critical one.
Of course, you probably don't give a TOSS about bouldering and aspire to be a Sumo Wrestler, in which case you'd counter with 'One can excel at Sumo Wrestling if one adds weight' (i.e. you skinny bags of bones should put on some BEEF)...
We could probably beat you at tug o war too.
And competitive seesawing.
Yeah, I agree. On the diet front today I ingested:
- No breakfast
- 1 cup of coffee (hand ground beans, vintage French coffee bowl, sugar, milk)
- a jar of artichoke hearts marinated in olive oil
- two 100g tins of sardines (how do they pack them so neatly in the tin?)
- part of an avocado (it was too hard)
- two Kiwi fruits
- a wedge of some sort of Italian cheese (parmesany it was)
- a whole jar of anchovies in oil
- two plungers of coffee (vintage tea cup, sugar milk)
- several 'Hollandia' Dutch Lager beers (ongoing)
- two glasses of $2.99/bottle Cab Merlot
- four cigarettes (ongoing)
- three glasses of water (water is over valued, I drink hardly any)
I'm a little embarrassed about the whole jar of anchovies and the cigarettes...
Tea (as soon as SWMBO gets on with it) is bacon and eggs...
Yes, again, I agree. There are many benefits to having some mass. But I always go back to moving one's body. My ten years in the army taught me one needs to be able to move easily, rapidly and dynamically while retaining the ability to carry heavy weights. I do (rather stupidly) consider Zombie Apocalypse scenarios where I'd need to be climbing on the roof of my house, etc. Of course, you and Mick would be mowing them down with a FBG (Fu*&ing Big Gun), whilst I'd be nimbly scurrying off to the hills to muster my loyal band of partisans who would stealthily enact acts of very mild terror (annoyances, really) on the Zombie population by way of setting charges of plastic explosives on key stress points of railway bridge girders and interrupting the (normally) steady supply of croissants to the village coffee shop. While you are mowing down zombies with your FBG à la Duke Nukem (biceps bulging), I'd be engaged in slightly more than a tête à tête with Mme Flaubert who appreciates my athletic body (as much as a bottle or five of the local Chardonnay) and sex. After all, if my memory serves, sex is a great workout. Mme Flaubert is, of course, young for her age, considering she's a Mme and not a Mle...
My FBG is going to be used from the hills...None of this close in stuff for me mate. If it helps, I'll be watching you scurry along your roof tops through my scope and picking off the more nimble zombies that follow you :)...Ed just better get a head start on you. :)
As an aside, for Christmas I bought myself a Longboard of the skate variety and not the surf variety. I think this is what motorcyclists do when they hit mid-life crisis...Well I can't very well go out and by a motorbike. I already have one. A car?! No the wife owns a 4WD and will soon take delivery of a top of the line Pulsar as well. There was just nothing for it. I already have a good Mountain bike, so a Longboard it had to be. Now to see how long after Christmas day it will take for me to end up in the emergency ward with a broken wrist or something :). At least it means exercise up until that point though ;).
Whadda ya mean 'as an aside'? How can you call it an 'as an aside'? I'm talking about fit nimble footedness and you're on about standing on a board with little tiny wheels affixed to it going down a hill! I KNOW you mean 'as an aside' to mean 'let's get back on topic', but ZAPPA (Zombie Apocalypse Partisan Preparedness Activity) is key here.
Bee Tee Double You, how come you're not going to join my band? We're not 100% fixed on the uniform yet. It's going to be vintage army greens, a beret and an arm band (unsure of the colour, maybe paisley?) but we're open to suggestions on the pants (or loin cloths) and footwear...
You can also advise on tea for Tuesday nights; the rest of the time it's black tea, rabbits and sweet potatoes (and a brew made from fermented radishes spiced lightly with kale and cardamon)...
Hope this helps.
BTW, feel free to find a partisan leader in your area, they're listed in the Partisan Wiki (Library)...
Peace, I Hate The Word - YouTube
I think Mick should join the band. I'd rather he join first than you. I'm worried that you'll join first and either decide on what pants (or loin cloths) we wear or decide on Tuesday's tea. I'm thinking your tea would be rather bland (bread and butter butty) and your pants (or loin cloths) would be some sort of rough tweed affair. Mick's more likely to go for barbecued 'roo and leather trousers...
OK, that's not bad. And 'body shirts'. Very wide (or very thin) ties; nothing in between. Cravats are in. As are bow ties. Scarves (of ANY kind) are out (unless it's very cold, and only under authorisation from me (or delegate))...
Also liking the chapter idea, though we should keep that quiet (consideration of the whole terrorist thing, remember, there's no such thing as Fight Club)...
Sorry, forgot to ask, Ed, what's the Tuesday tea suggestion?
PS, I'm taking the minutes this time, but next time Mme what's her name's doing it, I'm getting a cramp in my hand and this vintage fountain pen is leaking J. Herbin Perle Noire ALL over me! Tsk!
Well if the weather is good a nice picnic I think with good wine, European cheese and fresh fruit.
And definately a row boat, sports jackets and deck shoes.
OK you're in. But do you have a contingency plan re. bad weather?
By the way, I'll (as the partisan leader) accept bad wine. There's a WAR on you know! You need to leave some of your toffee nosed affections behind!
Not sure about the deck shoes, esp if you're considering the recent fashion of wearing them sans socks with short trousers...
Wholly agree with the row boat idea, this can be our theme song:
Pink Floyd Signs of Life - YouTube
I think that as long as we leave IOU's at the various provisioners we can take what we like. If we are facing Armageddon then why not do it in luxury.
I did think of taking a few bottles of dry cider along too.
Ok bad weather contingency:
1- clothing, woolen roll neck jumpers and tweed shooting jackets, flat caps, well waterproofed soft leather riding boots (trousers within boots). Possibly a white silk scarf, with a map of the locale drawn onto it.
2- we will commandeer the oldest house in the area, light a roaring fire, and roast some lamb with rosemary, an assortment of roast veggies, and rich gravy. Mint sauce on the side. Dessert will be sticky toffee and date pudding served with homemade custard. Real ale will be served with the meal, and port will be served after. We will play cribbage, backgammon and risk. If possible we will play maudlin music.
I can shoot with the other hand. My long range rifle comes with a bipod.
Well I was actually thinking leather kilts and blue face paint. Under yer kilt you can wear nice thick woollen socks and boots in winter. Wear them in summer if you like too, but stay away from my side of the camp when you decide to take them off. I'll be up wind of your side. :)
...And Signs of Life didn't go for the whole song. That should be considered poor form in a ZAPPA ;).
No yeah you're def in. I like it. But we're missing the hash and/or opium...
I'm fearful we'll feel rather lazy and stuffed after all that but when I look at it sort of sideways with my eyes a bit squinty it looks OK, esp given you've obviously latched on to the croissants and Tuesday tea thing in a big way (maybe I'm to blame for all that with all the prompting; but you were rather tardy in your replies)...
I MUST mention that I've already detailed the head gear (berets), so I am a little uncertain why you bring up the subject of 'flat caps'.
One might feel that one is being attacked (passively, as that is all you can muster) by le leader du parti libéral who is of the fashion of the, shall I say, 'paysan'?...
I never said I had a BFG, that was Carl. I would rely on my wit and charm to get out of trouble, I would consider a plasma cannon, simply because it would be cool as, and it would disintegrate the zombies so I wouldnt have to look at the carnage. :)
I would also consider water bombs.
Ok ok, I will ensure that we have plenty of pineapples and muesli in hows that?
Sorry for my tardiness I will try harder forthwith, I would ensure that a fully stocked larder was kept at all times, cooked breakfasts would be the norm, morning tea could either be eat in or take away, lunches would always be packed, afternoon tea would generally be forraged and obviously a cooked dinner would be served at 7pm, late enough to be civilised, early enough to still have an evening and supper before bed/ covert night ops.
I wasn't expecting to have to wear uniform at all times, I thought Tuesday arvo/evening could be spent in mufti.
Right so let me get this straight. Carl is the leader and he's gonna hightail it out of there to his mistress, Ed is chief cook and bottle washer and general camp lay about...And me...I'm left standing there in my leather skirt and blue mascara holding the bloody FBG...That's it! I'm gonna wear a flat cap too, especially if the boss is humpin' bluey out back...:p
Can we find a witch and burn her? ESP if she weighs the same as a duck?