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Thread: Anyone have any interesting ways to hang their strop?

  1. #11
    Real Live Barber chay2K's Avatar
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    I use a heavy duty 3M Command hook stuck to the side of the cabinet. Going on 3 years, and still holding strong.
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    -- Don Quixote

  2. #12
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Here is mine (I mentioned it earlier). It is not a permanent fixture and thus popular with others luckily my towel bar is the height I like for this. Name:  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1388593804.994183.jpg
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    When I travel, I carry a couple feet of para cord in my shave kit. If you are creative, you can always MacGyver something

  3. #13
    Junior Member fd919's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    The simplest and handiest for most folks is to bump up the pin on the middle door hinge. That gives a capped pin at the top of the hinge which is plenty strong and doesn't take up space. Now I have a simple screw-in hook by my sink at belt level and that works for me. I like the longer bent wire screw in hook because it goes all the way into the house framing and has a little bit of spring to it.
    Attachment 151090

    Not a cup hook but a solid wire heavier than a coat hanger by far.
    Have fun on your shaving path!
    I just used the same style hook on the side of my bathroom vanity. I usually leave my poor man strop hanging from my towel rack but found this puts it a better height. When done I hang my strop from the towel rack again and put the wife's hair straightener on the hook. That way she thinks I did it for her.

  4. #14
    Senior Member JoeLowett's Avatar
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    I use a large capped curtain hook which is functional and decorative and holds multiple strops which is good for me because I have a few.
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  5. #15
    Member CatanUS's Avatar
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    We have one door into the master bathroom that we don't use. So I use a door anchor and carabiner to attach the strop of the day.

    The door anchor I use is from a set of exercise bands. Inexpensive, nonpermanent, and portable.
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    scott85 (01-02-2014)

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    The simplest and handiest for most folks is to bump up the pin on the middle door hinge. That gives a capped pin at the top of the hinge which is plenty strong and doesn't take up space. Now I have a simple screw-in hook by my sink at belt level and that works for me. I like the longer bent wire screw in hook because it goes all the way into the house framing and has a little bit of spring to it.
    Attachment 151090
    Not a cup hook but a solid wire heavier than a coat hanger by far.
    Have fun on your shaving path!
    The door hinge pin us an awesome idea until you go in your bathroom and realize all three doors only have a top and bottom hinge
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  8. #17
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    I use a hook from Australia,
    this causes my strop to hang upside down,
    just the act of putting it into a usable position creates the appropriate tension on the strop,
    I would like to thank MickR for the hook and eddy79 for the Idea....

    Just kidding, I have hooks (brass cup style) in several locations,
    a standard drywall nail to the left side of my keyboard slide out tray thing, and this(see pic) in my bedroom (same option available in my bathroom).
    Name:  Pic for thread.jpg
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    Last edited by pfries; 01-01-2014 at 10:59 PM.
    Geezer and eddy79 like this.
    It is just Whisker Whacking
    Relax and Enjoy!

  9. #18
    The Guy
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    I pinch mine at the top of my door since I broke the 72ish year old string which was on it.

  10. #19
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Geezer mentioned the middle door hinge and I took it a step further:
    (Reply #27)


  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Prahston For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (09-26-2014)

  12. #20
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    coffee hooks in the window sill. yes i'm single.

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