I've spent some hours this weekend trying to learn my new Nakayama Karasu and I've noticed some thing disturbing.
After hitting the Shapton 16k I have been hitting (not literally) my blade on the Jnat then on the strop and repeating a few times , Jnat,strop,Jnat,strop.
All the time checking under the microscope .
I'm looking to achieve an extremely thin unbroken line of light along the edge and I've found that after doing 50 strokes on the linen that that line becomes broken up.
So I tested different methods .
Coming off the leather the edge is perfect and even improved with a perfect thin beam of light along the edge.
My linen is quite stiff and coarse,, its on a Classic Shaving Bridle leather 3" strop.
I think my days of using linen are over. Even though I was gonna soften up the linen on my yet to arrive Kanayama.
I did read a long time ago some thing along the lines of not using linen after a Jnat finisher.