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Thread: Hand(Palm) Stropping

  1. #21
    Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mijbil View Post
    A japanese stone expert (he wishes to remain nameless) was recently telling me that he thinks strops erase the "signature" of a good finishing stone, and recommended using (dried) slurry from the finishing stone on your palm and stropping with that. He also thinks linen and fabric are far too coarse for truly delicate edges. In my experience, stropping correctly on (proper) leather and linen does not degrade even the sharpest edges, but I can't speak as much to the issue of the "signature."

    One problem with hand-stropping is that it's a very short surface - you have to do it a billion times.

    As for travelling - I figure since I'm knee-deep in hones, strops, razors and everything else in my house I can manage a strop when I travel. Though I dont I have it, I dig the idea of that T-I paddle-strop.
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  2. #22
    Senior Member osdset's Avatar
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    I hand strop occasionally, I was taught to finish plane irons and chisels fresh off the stone by stropping on the palm of the hand to get rid of any tiny wire edge that may have been left.
    The technique for hand stropping a plane iron is different though, the strop hand does not remain stationary but flips in rhythm to the stroke of the blade, it's a bit hard to describe really. Whereas with a razor I treat the hand much like a paddle strop.

  3. #23
    Senior Member kratos86's Avatar
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    i use my hand as strop when i finish my first step shaving.
    After first step ,wash my razor and wipe it, lather my skin and before use razor strop it on my hand for 10times
    Hand is god for ministropping because hand have microchannels that work well to polish edge.In this way you polish the edge from soap and prepare again blade.
    Some of my friends use hand as strop and strop only for revitalize (after 4/5 shaving) blade....but this isn't for me
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  4. #24
    Enthusiast Gammaray's Avatar
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    Using your palm for stropping. We are talking wet shaving - right?

    This is an old school waste of time. There are much better ways to strop your blade than with your palm.

    Palm stropping will make you go blind. Just say no to palm stropping.

  5. #25
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Well, I kept waiting for a link to Mastro Livi. At about the 3 minute mark of this video he hand strops.

    It might work, but it ain't for me. I'm not swishing around the sharpest steel on earth on body parts!!!

    Just sayin!!



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  • #26
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    That slartibartfast. So young and naive

  • #27
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    I just sharpened all of my hunting knives today, and with no strop where I was doing the sharpening, I palm stropped all of them. I was very pleased with the results.
    In a bind, I'd have no problem with palm stropping a razor.

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  • #28
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    I have been practicing stropping on my palm like Livi does in his various videos.

    I have gotten pretty good at it, i think.

    My question... Would this work in a pinch when traveling? I am heading out of town for 4 nights and would like to pack the minimum.

    btw, all hand stropping will be done sober.
    Where are these Livi videos to be found? I couldn't find any on YouTube.

  • #29
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Strop on this

    Well heck. Strop on this .............

    Name:  Strop on this.jpg
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    OOOPS! Pass the styptic please.

  • #30
    Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirStropalot View Post
    I'm not swishing around the sharpest steel on earth on body parts!!! [/url]
    Well you are putting it against your throat sometimes, aren't you?
    Why would palm stropping be more dangerous than shaving?
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