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Thread: Paddle or Hanging?

  1. #11
    zib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I like a hanging strop as my daily driver. I mainly use a paddle as a pasted strop once in awhile when I feel the need. The hanging strop having more length is more effective IMO. Here is a tutorial explaining lapping.
    +1....I use a hanging strop as my daily. Paddles I mainly use for pastes, and find them to be most effective this way. What it boils down to is personal preference, as both will keep you going....
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  2. #12
    Senior Member tfrod's Avatar
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    I have only used a hanging strop so far but I don't really feel a need to switch to a paddle strop either. They have worked great.

  3. #13
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    I use a pasted paddle for razors fresh from the stones, otherwise I use a hanging strop.
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  4. #14
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    I would say, if you are a minimalist, you could get away with one strop or paddle. Size is irrelevant but maybe convenience is everything as you mention camping. Still, I would bet good money you will eventually own more than one strop
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  5. #15
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Again, thanks for all the replies; most helpful. I get the point made about what grit the paddle/stone combo is; I'd probably eventually need a stone anyway. I'm still leaning towards a paddle, mainly because I agree with Ace's comment about the 'meditative' action of stropping. I could really imagine myself sitting in the lounge room by the fire patiently honing and stropping in the evening. It's good to hear it can be done at night, I think I'd be more careful, rather than when I'm all 'bleary eyed' at 0615! I'd probably get a hanging stop later, but for now it seems a bit of a hassle to even find a good spot; if it can't be the towel rack in the bathroom.

    It's interesting in a way that they make strops out of Kangaroo skin, not sure why, I just find it interesting...I wonder if it's BETTER than other leathers for this, or if people just find it DIFFERENT?

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    My razor is winging its way
    I've read about not storing one's razor in the bathroom (too humid)
    Does the bathroom have a fan?

    Humidity that will grow mold on
    walls, celling, tile grout, and towels
    will also risk rust on a razor and mold on
    a leather strop.

    Having a bathroom fan that is on a
    timer is a very good idea.

    A razor can be kept in a cigar box
    with a desiccant. Plastic containers
    from the kitchen work well too.
    The strop can live on a hook in
    the closet or any other handy place
    but if you use it each day it should
    stay fine almost anyplace.

  7. #17
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Hi niftyshaving, yes, it has a fan, but it's not working that well. I COULD fix it, maybe, probably, and I PROBABLY will, but I like the idea of the cigar box, and I've seen some cool Thiers Issard cases, I guess a bit of desiccant in the bottom would be a good idea. I think the razor(s) (I'm sure there'll be more than one) should stay on my desk in my bedroom with my fountain pens and cufflinks....

  8. #18
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    You people with the paddle fetishes, there is something wrong about you!
    EucrisBoy and mjhammer like this.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  9. #19
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    I kind of go both ways... I have a beautiful hanging strop, but I take it down, lay it flat on my headboard and use it there. I find I do a much better job and the razor seems to respond better.

    2 cents....

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  10. #20
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    Im personally enjoying my paddle strop. Its not even a paddle. Its a piece of leather that I lay on a flat surface and I just strop away

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