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Thread: How to make a custom strop?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Themagicturtle's Avatar
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    Default How to make a custom strop?

    Hello esteemed members of SRP,
    My old russian is in the finally stages of being worn out. Instead of buying a brand new one i would prefer to make a strop similar to the one i already have. I already out a similar buckle, but i don't know where to find the appropriate leather, and canvas. I am not sure what would be the ideal leather but i was thinking about buffalo. To anybody who has made their own strops i would love some input and advice. Thank you

    2 inches 3/8 wide

    and about 23 and a half long

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The animal it comes from isn't really important. What is important is it is a quality piece of leather, nice and supple with no imperfections in it. Depending on the processing you will have more or less draw and some leathers like horse have much less draw also. I know many have gone to tandy leather or to a shoemaker.

    I'm sure a strop maker will come by and give some more detailed info.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member Themagicturtle's Avatar
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    Where would i go about getting an appropriate canvas, i have search for a while and i can't find anything.

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Tandy may be of help but ther finest leathers only come in half hides.
    Look here also.Belt Blanks and Latigo leather Straps

  6. #5
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    The Tandy latigo belt blanks are good quality I can assure you if that fact as I've seen and handled alot of them back when I was making saddles. But they are a little pricey for what they are considering I could buy a full side for about 3x the price of one belt blank.

    There are some other companies that sell leather belt blanks for alot less than Tandy but its not latigo. It all depends on whether or not you prefer the leather to undergo the dying and treating process that latigo goes through.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Problem with tandy is the widest properly finished latigo strip they sell is max 2in.
    Tandy half hides are not the quality one would use for a strop,way to thick with alot of blems.JME

  8. #7
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    Their sides aren't bad AS LONG AS you go to the store to pick them out. I wouldn't let them pick out a side for me as they don't care if you get one with blemishes and what not. But if you can actually go in and pick out the hides, you can get some really good ones with the only blemishes being around the edges where they are clamped up to dry.

    As far as the width of the straps you can buy from them, I've seen them all the way up to 3" wide. But that has been in store. I haven't been on the website in a while to look at them.
    irish19 likes this.

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Thats true,would never order a hide online.went to 3 tandy stores last week looking at euro single bend hides,widest ,finished cut strap I saw was two in.

  10. #9
    Senior Member Themagicturtle's Avatar
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    I have been searching around, and i cannot find any canvas that is bigger than about 1 3/4th/ But while searching i have been hearing positive remarks on a heavyweight polypropylene in place for the canvas. I for one am not a find of plastic materials but i have considering conforming, but then again i am clueless where to get it. I found a place were i can find a good quality leather that is about 2'' and luckly i have a buckle that fits that size.

  11. #10
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    For canvas a couple places you can try are boating stores that sell sails and you can go to your local firehouse and see if they have an hose they are going to be putting out if service.

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