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Thread: How to make a custom strop?

  1. #31
    Senior Member Themagicturtle's Avatar
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    Thank you very much for all the advice i have been giving, one finally thing i would like to ask it about the hanging method. A lot of people seem fond of using D rings to hang the strop. I prefer using a buckle in stead, because of the ease of installation. to make a 2 3/8 strop i need a buckle that is about 2" 2/8 wide. However, once again i can't find what i want. Normally i am pretty good a searching but this week i can't find anything for my life. Would anybody know were i could find something like that. Below i will provide a link to that is overing a smaller buckle, just to avoid confusing of what i am talking about.

    I just realized i forgot to post the picture from larry.
    Last edited by Themagicturtle; 02-07-2013 at 03:56 PM.

  2. #32
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    I'm not *quite* sure what you mean by buckle, but I suspect you might mean something like what is on my Tony Miller latigo (in the background here):

    Name:  2013-02-007_zps412cfc48.jpg
Views: 280
Size:  17.7 KB

    I looked around for something like that as well but without any luck. I'm sure someone here will know where to find them though. My solution was to use the D-ring then flip the clip around so that its base is attached to the small carabiner that I have secured in an eye hook, while the clip attaches to the D-ring:

    Name:  2013-02-008_zps2dfaff02.jpg
Views: 358
Size:  33.8 KB

    I was going to use the 'biner to attach multiple strops to my anchor point anyway, so that approach fit in well with what I had on hand and what I planned to do.

    I'm sure you must be able to find the proper thing as on the Tony Miller here, but if not, this system works very well. I was afraid that it might be unstable as the D-ring and clip aren't actually attached but can move freely, but in practice everything stays in place under tension.

    EDIT: I just took a look at Larry's site and now realize that's not what you meant at all! Sorry, I have no idea where one might find a buckle like that.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
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  3. #33
    zib is offline
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    To the OP, Are you in Red Hook NJ? If so, You should have plently of places to get leather, even if it means a drive to NYC, downtown, the lower east side, The jewish section of town. Actually, probably several places in the City, but downtown comes to mind. Anyone that sells, makes leather goods, should know where you can get what you need. When it comes to leather, the choices are almost endless.

    I have several places right here in Jacksonville, Fl. The last time I bought any leather was at Tandy.
    They do have 3" wide pieces in 50" L for belts I believe. I found the leather to be more than adequate for my needs. I used it to make paddles. It just depends on what you want. Latigos, Buffalo, Roo, etc...can be had at Tandy but as mentioned, you have to buy a hide basically. They do have a scrap bin you can look through.

    Our Tandy has classes, and I found the guy running the place extremely helpful and knowledgeable. It might be worth a trip. I'm sure there's one by you.
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  4. #34
    Senior Member Themagicturtle's Avatar
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    Well i am often asked if i live in NJ, but in fact i live in duchess county Red Hook, its pretty far from NYC.

  5. #35
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Hello Themagicturtle! All the responses here have put you in a good position to be able to make your own. In case you haven't seen it, here's a link to my own humble contribution to this area of the straight razor knowledge base.

    You may have to adjust some of the equipment to match the thickness of the leather you use compared to mine, but I think the ideas are generalisable.

    And you may rest assured that if I can do it, you can do it!

    Good luck!

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  7. #36
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I got some horse from Keith De Grau (HandAmerican) a few years ago and made a razor strop and a couple of guitar straps. At the time Keith also sold the proper swivel hardware for the top. Keith gave me some tips on treating/conditioning the leather which I was asked to keep to myself.

    I only mention it to stress that, in comparison with professionally made strops, there is way more to it than meets the eye. If anyone has a Neil Miller horsehide strop you'll know what I mean. Pro strops from Kanayma, Neil, SRD, or Tony Miller are not just a piece of hide cut in a rectangle. The finishing process that the strop makers use has an effect on the way the strop works. OTOH, my homemade strop works well enough. I used a vintage canvas for the flip side BTW.
    __________________________________________________ _________

    For making your own strop, you might try contacting in Maine.
    I got some beautiful 3 inch strips of English Bridle from that website several years ago.

    Eng. Bridle makes a very nice strop.


  8. #37
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Strop making is indeed addicting, with ANY quality pce of leather you can make a simple strop in 25 mins.At the end of the day as a tool. it will do all you ask of it(strop your razor)Or you can go nutz as I do and spend 25+ hrs, making a strop In this case a loom.Componants are Black Latigo,some of the finest Cocobolo I have ever seen.water Buff horn,Fossil steller sea cow bone and pre-ban elephant Ivory.
    Over the top without question,But alot of fun and nobody got killedmore pics to follow,really had alot of fun with this one.
    Wondering what I got to do to get into Pixels's will ......on the slight chance I outlive him. :<0)
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  9. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10Pups View Post
    Wondering what I got to do to get into Pixels's will ......on the slight chance I outlive him. :<0)
    Just sold that one,trouble is, you put 25+ hrs of work into something like materials, profit margin is slim and none
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  10. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    LOL I could start a thread on that! {How much did you pay to sell that ?}
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  11. #40
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10Pups View Post
    LOL I could start a thread on that! {How much did you pay to sell that ?}
    What?????????? do you mean.

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