Today I did a ton of work. I have a couple of things to show after heat treatment:
The big one is a monster, which has a hamon.
The 'little' one is still a 15/16 razor, made from tamahagane. It's a piece I annealed because the heat treatment was shot anyway. This also gave me full freedom in terms of grinding. The customer gave me full freedom to do what I want. I started out without a plan, choosing to let my gut feeling guide me as I went along. Due to the shape of the piece, I had some limitations and so I decided to just start and let my ideas guide me as it started to take form. I am really happy with the design. I chose for a 'samurai meets alien' type of design.
I am happy with the concept. I will be working more with this design which has still portential I think. I think I'll call it 'Azumi'. Now I just have to hope the customer lieks it too. It is pretty 'out there' in terms of design, even for me. And doing this with a piece of antique tamahagane is a bit of a risk, since I cannot replace it :)
Attachment 201830