I got outta bikes, before it was too late, and I screwed myself up doing it.
Must have got the idea from my pops, and the stories he told me of his days on the steel horse.
Attachment 225969
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I got outta bikes, before it was too late, and I screwed myself up doing it.
Must have got the idea from my pops, and the stories he told me of his days on the steel horse.
Attachment 225969
Like your Anchor BeJay!
Started sanding down the Joseph Rodgers.
All has to be done by hand as I don't have a dremel.
Attachment 226003
Cleaning up two nice 5/8 ths. razors.
#1. A Sta-Sharp
From F. Koeller & Co.
Ohligs, Germany
#2. A Shumate's Peacemaker.
St. Louis USA.
Attachment 226317Attachment 226318Attachment 226319
Shout works really well on scales.
Spray it on and let it sit for 15min. then scrub with a toothbrush Attachment 226322
You'll love both of those Mike. I have each. You'll love the Sta-Sharp a lot. I have a Sta-Sharp that I was the only bidder on it & it was at the right time, awhile back. It had signs of rust on the blade & I kept looking at it closely. I determined it was surface rust & when I got it, I used WD-40 & 0000 steel wool & it came right off so I got a smokin' deal for 24.99 plus shipping. Got the coffin with it! The Peacemaker is a fantastic one too.
Mike, I want to thanks you for all the quality posts and all the progress pictures you do. It takes a bit of extra time to take the pictures and make the posts. I tend to be fairly lazy in that regard. I truly appreciate your contributions. You are a restoring machine, but you are also a quality poster. Thanks.
Whoa right there. The Gremlins are very active at MY house & are breeding. At least they dont hide my razors or hones YET.
They are rather devious and draconian in their practices. Mine stole silver peening pin yesterday and then put it in a kitchen drawer today. After I reordered more of course.