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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #291
    Have Married My Coticule
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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance View Post
    isn't the microtome virtually a western version (or smoother version) of to a Kamisori type of grind but with scales so therefore the same sort of shaving techniques would apply ??
    They both share the similarity of non identical sides to the blade - I really don't know much about Kamisori so I'll leave it to somebody who knows about them to comment.

    Both sides of the microtome have a bevel, so shaving really isn't any different to shaving with a regular razor. Changing the angle when switching between the ground and unground sides gives a much nicer shave but apart from that the process is identical.

    I included a photo of the profile of the Flatters and Garnett microtome - I played around with the image to make it easier to see the grind. One side true wedge and the other slightly hollow ground.

    Ah, annoying there is a reflection in the photo, making the unground side look slightly curved - it is dead straight in reality.
    Last edited by Christel; 05-07-2014 at 11:12 PM.

  2. #292
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    others I have seen actually had a Convexed curved back not a flat wedge
    But I think the Flat wedge would be easier to get used to (let alone to make)
    to shave another day.

  3. #293
    Have Married My Coticule
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    I'm far from an expert on the subject of microtomes but considering their purpose in cutting very thin and flat tissue samples - would a convex back not in fact make such a task significantly harder?

  4. #294
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Couple new projects:
    7/8 W&B near wedge. Cleaned it up in the vibratory tumbler. 3 super small pits, still has original grind marks. Original horn scales snapped, making a new set out of honey horn. I have only tried o craft scales one other time. Lets just say it didn't go so well. So far these are doing ok. Up to 600 grit ATM. Need to order some new micro mesh as my old set is looking pretty ragged. Need to source some better collars as well.
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    I have also been cleaning up a few safety razors. Here is the latest batch. Had a neat little bone (?) handled ever-ready brush as well.
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    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  5. #295
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    These razors have been sitting around for awhile now waiting for me to stop being lazy. Well finally decided to make some scales. The razors are a Geneva, Wapi and a Haddon. The Wapi I am looking forward to honing up. I have been wanting to get one for awhile now and when I decided to get one the price of them tripled so needless to say I didn't get one. Finally found one for a price I was willing to pay. After reading all the posts about how heavy and unbalanced the scales are I still was surprised at just how much they were unbalanced. The scales are made from Camelthorn and Ebony. Unfortunately the two toned Camelthorn lost alot of the two tone on the pile side when thinning out the scales. The ebony has some nice dark brown streaks in it that reminds me of the look of horn. Still have some sanding to do to smooth everything out and then the finish. It is going to be fun test shaving these ones out.

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  6. #296
    Compulsive frankensteinisator Thaeris's Avatar
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    Several oldies

    And in general, too many things... ^^

  7. #297
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    To think I thought I had too much stuff lying around waiting for me to get to it.

  8. #298
    Compulsive frankensteinisator Thaeris's Avatar
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    I was limited by the number of pics allowed
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  9. #299
    Senior Member rocarule's Avatar
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    I am working on completing a group of brush handles for a Facebook shaving group it will be 17 brushes that will accommodate 22mm knots and will be marked with the series number at the base and the group's initials at the top and they will be red, blue and the letter and numbers celadon.Name:  uploadfromtaptalk1399826895290.jpg
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  10. #300
    Have Married My Coticule
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    Second try at making scales from scratch - translucent blonde horn again, although it becomes darker towards the edge. Annoyingly the scales aren't exactly identical but I can work on that for next time. John Heiffor near wedge, if anybody wondered.

    Had been meaning to finish it for a while - came out ok!
    RezDog and Gonzo4str8rzrs like this.

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