If it helps, here are a couple pics of my razor that was a candidate for rust removal & rescale. At this point, it has had a few rounds of Evapo-Rust soak, along with subsequent rubbing with 0000 steel wool and/or 2k sand paper.
Attachment 203995
Currently shown after a 48hr dip. Finally broke down & got some 200 grit paper, for the deep blemishes.
Attachment 203996
Still working up the confidence to sand the etch side with the more aggressive 200 grit paper. See the greying from the Evapo-Rust?
Notes: For color reference, the towel is a "pale pea-green". The scales formerly on the ERN were crappy & not original, probably homemade. The razor pictured next to the ERN is a Tufpug wearing the ERN's clothes, they came from the same seller. I put that razor in the pic for reference of one that hasn't been soaked & tortured.