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Thread: Disinfecting / Sanitizing

  1. #81
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    This thread has been very useful to the new guys. Lot's of different subjects are covered!
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  2. #82
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by randydance062449 View Post
    This thread has been very useful to the new guys. Lot's of different subjects are covered!
    Yes, it has been useful to new guys. Also the bulk of the info can be obtained from the Forum's Library or via use of the Forum's search function which contains years and years of data input.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  3. #83
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Yes, it has been useful to new guys. Also the bulk of the info can be obtained from the Forum's Library or via use of the Forum's search function which contains years and years of data input.

    Yes, but this thread is so interesting with its unexpected twists and turns

    Steel likes this.
    - - Steve

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  4. #84
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by STF View Post
    Yes, but this thread is so interesting with its unexpected twists and turns

    If you say so.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  5. #85
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STF View Post
    Take it apart!!

    Freakin Frog, there’s an new disorder I hadn’t even thought of!

    Guess I got a day on utube tomorrow learnin

    Don’t blame me-it wasn’t my idea.

    Freakin Frog ? I like that....I'm using it ha.
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  6. #86 JOB15's Avatar
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    Looking at the opening photos.
    If i was opposed to un-pinning, it would have to be an Ultrasonic cleaner. They are reasonably priced , easy to use and would remove all that crud, followed with some kind of disinfectant to kill any bugs and then loads of oil everywhere.

    Then try to re tighten it and bust the scales

    I should add: Ultrasonic cleaners can add some staining which can be removed but can be an extra headache.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    The dental floss gets out a lot of gunk. But unless your blade/pin is very loose you wont get the floss to the pin. Soak, spray, floss. Then dry well.

    Or take it apart and do it right.
    +1 on take it apart and do it right.

  8. #88
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theoldguy53 View Post
    +1 on take it apart and do it right.
    The two things that I for one would prefer NOT to see in the hands of most brand new newbies are:



    Both need a gentle touch that most that are new to this age old art don't understand yet.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    The two things that I for one would prefer NOT to see in the hands of most brand new newbies are:



    Both need a gentle touch that most that are new to this age old art don't understand yet.
    Dear Cudarunner, I don't know if your comment was directed to me but since you quoted it,
    I will take it that it was directed at me.
    Your join date is August 2010. My original join date on the actual old forum that got hacked, stolen, whatever, was May 2010. I'm not a newbie. For the past decade I have shaved every day pretty much with one of my straight razors. Most of the razors in my rotation are old razors I restored. People ebb and flow on forums and for me; the years in between the old and new forum were years of ebb. By that I mean that I'm not really much of a forum person and kinda mostly stayed away. About a month ago I clicked on the old forums bookmark that I had stored in my 'shaving' folder' and was surprised that the old forum no longer existed.
    I tried to recall my old, original forum log-in information by contacting the forum administrators but he couldn't help me except to tell me that my old email address was something I haven't used that email address for over a decade and actually let it lapse. For the life of me I could not recall my old login information and it wasn't even in my database I have for passwords and such.
    So the best solution was to re-sign up which I did, so my join date is new.
    I get your sound and very practical advice that newbies have a lot to learn. I stuck with it and learned a lot by reading and learning how to hone. I started my honing journey on a Belgium Coticle. I had various success but after about a year managed to do a fair job on it. Then I watched a wonderful Youtube video by Lynn Abrams using a set of Naniwa synthetic stones. I bought a complete set and started using them. I started on them watching with my laptop and following each step of the process as Lynn took me through the hones.
    Now I do all my own honing. I don't have very many expensive razors. Most of the razors in my daily rotation are razors I picked up on Ebay a decade ago.
    I'm happy with them. The best part of my day is the half hour I take to wet shave with one of my beloved straights. I find it relaxing and very enjoyable. For me, it's a great start to my day. I'm retired now and find my morning shave while my border collie sits and watches me one of the precious moments of my day.
    It's only recently that I decided to take some cash and buy a few new blades but I still use my old restored razors.
    I also make custom made tobacco pipes. I have a website dedicated to my pipes and have made a number of commission pipes for clients over the years.
    Here is a picture of a custom made billiard I sold on Ebay. It has a ring made of faux Buffalo horn and a 3/32" brass inset that has become kinda of my trademark.

    I took just a tad too much briar off the chin area and the stem is hand turned black Japanese ebonite.

    I thank you for your candid comment. I hope you have a wonderful shave tomorrow morning and that you enjoy it as much as I do.
    I wish you and awesome day tomorrow. Enjoy the sun on your face and perhaps the rain on your back but in either case my blessings to you and may your day bring you joy.
    Kind Regards

  10. #90
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    You misunderstand me as my post was not in any way directed to you personally. It was a 'Generalization'.

    Since you have been around the block more than a few times, I'm sure that you have seen how many new guys want to just jump in and start honing even before they have even begun to learn how to shave. Then they mess up a perfectly good razor and start posting--What Happened???

    I know I've seen it more than I care to. Hell one newbie bought a Norton 4/8 and didn't lap it--tried to hone his razor, ruined the edge and said he was just giving up. I offered him 50% of what he'd paid for it AND pay for shipping but he counter offered asking less and HE paid for shipping. I never did understand that one----------

    The same pretty much applies to learning to unpin and re-pin without breaking the scales. I will freely admit to breaking some that if I had more experience I wouldn't have.

    If I have in anyway upset or offended you in any manner please accept my sincere apologies.

    While I'm not a user of tobacco, I do like my beer here and there---

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    Smooth Shaving My Brother of the Blade
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

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