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Thread: Restoration Chat Tuesdays 8:00pm EST

  1. #51
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Great turn out Every Tuesday

    Would like to take a second and thank everyone for making the Tuesday night restore chat the success it has become... We are seeing many new faces each week now, along with many of the old hats, and of course the "Chat Crazies"
    Please feel free to stop in every Tuesday night (8:00pm EST) in the flashchat, and discuss everything about this hobby of ours...
    The talk is fast moving so feel free to just jump in with any questions that might pop into yer head at the time...We discuss everything having to do with bringing a razor from the shadows of the rusty dark into the gleaming sharp light (poetic huh???? )
    We also throw in a whole lotta general BS too!!! so come by and have fun....

  2. #52
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Same Time, Same Channel

    With all the new changes to SRP this last week I figured I better make it clear as to what is going on with the "Restore Chat"
    As of right now the chat will be held in the "Old Flash Chat Room" Same as always... Many of us here do not have high speed Internet, myself included, and the MEEBO chat and dial up seems to be a losing proposition so for the time being we will continue the Tuesday Chat in the old room.... See ya all there at 8:00pm EST......

  3. #53
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Restoration Chat continues

    Tuesday Night at 8:00pm EST the only question is where we are going to hold it..... If the Flash chat room stays open we will continue having it there just for the PM feature that is available in Flash that is not in the new chat.... That works really well for answering questions and not interrupting the main chat....
    So one way or another we will keep it going....

  4. #54
    Traveling east..... RMC_SS_LDO's Avatar
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    If I have any "vote" here, or maybe just a preference, I personally would prefer to stick with the "old" flash-chat.

    The new and improved chat is not bad, I just seem to prefer the flash-chat interface.

    With that said, my better-half kinda likes the new chat since there is no "doodle-doo!" with each post. Yea, I leave the volume up so I can tell WTF is going on when I get distracted!



  5. #55
    Senior Member wescap34's Avatar
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    I prefer the flash-chat also.

  6. #56
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Update:

    We will be meeting as usual Tuesday Night at 8:00pm EST..... for the Restoration Chat....
    As of right now we will be keeping the restore chat in the Flash chat room, the IM interface just works better for this particular chat.... I know I get plenty of questions and I'm sure many of the other old hands do too, that people would rather ask in private rather than ask in the open room.... The way that the restore chat seems to go is that there is a general chat going on in the room and tons of real questions being answered in the IM's, so for now we will leave it right where at has always been....
    Hope to see ya there this Tuesday......
    Seems that this last week there has been a lot of talk about un-pinning and re-pinning scales on the boards, so lets kinda start with that as a topic and see were it goes from there.....

  7. #57
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    OK It's time to move the Restoration chat into the new chat room, it seems to be stable and up and working, so lets give it a try this coming Tuesday night Just hit the chat icon at the top of the page on the new skin, if yer still using the old skin here is the link you need

    Freenode Java applet IRC portal

    See ya there Tuesday at 8:00pm EST

  8. #58
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Wow, this is a big moment for Tuesday night chat. Is this the final goodbye to the barbershop?
    Find me on SRP's official chat in ##srp on Freenode. Link is at top of SRP's homepage

  9. #59
    Doc is offline
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    the old flash chat will now be referred to as Docs cave.

  10. #60
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    It looks as though the Restore Chat is finally back on track... The changing chat rooms and unstable platforms bought the attendance down to just the 6-8 diehards... but the last 2 weeks has a steady increase again, I would like to again invite everyone to join us for the chat every Tuesday night in the new chat room at 8:00pm EST...
    Last night was really good seeing about 15 members in the room at one time, for those of you that have questions about your restores there are some very experienced people stopping by to share information....

    See ya all next Tuesday

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