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Thread: Restoration Chat Tuesdays 8:00pm EST

  1. #71
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday Aug 19th

    Gentlemen I will try my darnedest to be in the Flashchat tonight for the Restorechat.... I ended up having to work today, my "DAY OFF"
    so I will at least be on at the starting time while I am at work, then I'll try and be on after but we have been having thunderstorms up here and I was offline all last night so I apologize in advance if I can't get on-line late this evening....
    Hope fully Alex and Dan will be in tonight too !!!!!!

  2. #72
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday Aug 26th

    The restore chat will be happening as usual starting at 8:00pm EST in the old flash chat room.......
    I have been getting more and more questions about repairing Ivory and Bone scales lately so lets bring as many ideas to the table as we can tonight....
    General restore and honing of course is always the main topic....
    I hope you will join us tonight and if you need the link it is always in my signature line just click it....
    I would like to thank everyone for making this one of the largest chat sessions every week great having you all there.....

  3. #73
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default TUESDAY NIGHT 9/2/08

    Yes we will be having the restore chat tonight same time same place in the old flash chat room.....
    I somehow keep getting roped into working my real job on Tuesdays, I actually started this chat on this night because it is supposed to be my day off
    I will be opening up the chat room at 8:00pm EST as usual so please join all us crazy restore guys tonight look forward to having you here the link is in my signature line as always.....

  4. #74
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday Sept 16th

    Restoration chat will be meeting tonight in the old Flash chat as usual.....
    Bring yerself and yer projects along....

    See Ya there !!!!

    Sorry about last week but work hours were going weird !!!!!

  5. #75
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default An Apology!!!!

    I have to give an apology, as work has been interfering with me being able to participate in the weekly Restoration chats....
    I have always had Tuesdays as my normal day off, so thats why this chat started up on Tuesday nights... With the recent changes in the credit world it seems that I am in more demand to be at work...
    Anyway I finally have today off so please lets try and meet up for a chat tonight at 8:00 pm in the old flash chat room and have a great time talking RAZORS !!!!!! link is in my sig line...

    Hope to see ya there

  6. #76
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday Oct 14th 2008

    Well let's try and meet in the old Flash chat room as usual, great turnout last week guys....
    I am stuck at work, so I will be in and out tonight, until I get home, but I hope to see ya there....

  7. #77
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Restoration Chat 10/28/08

    Well last week was a another great success in the old flash chat room hopefully everyone will make it again this Tuesday.....
    For those of you that have restoration questions this is the place to bring them....
    Remember we talk about every aspect of Razordom, and a whole lotta general BS thrown in too !!!!
    Hope to see ya in the old flash chat room 5o pm EST the link is in my signature line

  8. #78
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Election Night Restore Chat!!!!

    Yeah we are going for it !!! the Restore Chat will be same time same channel...
    We can all either laugh, or cry, with the outcome of the election together, and talk about razors during the whole thing

    Don't forget hit the link at the bottom in my signature line to find the "Cave"
    Oh yeah it is BYOB

    See ya there!!!! Tuesday night 8:00pm EST

  9. #79
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default 11/11/08

    Tonight as usual in the flash chat room at 8:00pm EST....
    The chat was fantastic last week with Lynn and Don both joining in, don't miss out this week....
    We dicuss all aspect of restoring razors from honing to making scales and everything else in between...

  10. #80
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Ok, so why do I get the sign in for the chat room from your link and not from the "Chat" on the top tool bar? Mind you, I'm not complaining, just...

    More than curious...

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