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Thread: Dremel

  1. #21
    Razor Surgeon zman's Avatar
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    Dremel 400XPR, Drill Press, Flex Shaft, Router/Shaper Table. Numerous bits/attchments.

    I use it a lot while making scales and as a final polish if necessary on blades. I usually try to restore the blades by hand.

    And Rio Grande will sell you items just tell them you restore razors.

  2. #22
    Member Chrisgiraffe's Avatar
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    I've had my Dremel for three years and it seems to be the only tool I ever reach for when I want to seriously ruin a project beyond all repair. Perhaps it's my jittery hands from the soda IV I have hooked to my arm or perhaps it is cursed. Luckily I have a router, table saw, belt sander, detail sander, disc sander, drill press, planer, and jointer to work around the problem.

    From my experience, it seems every person has a tool they rely on most and it takes time to build real skill with any of them. Unfortunately, experience is a matter of trial and error- but who can afford to try out every gadget out there? That said, I'd avoid power tools as long as I could until I felt I couldn't live without them. I think it's important to get a feel for the natural motion your hands employ which power tools try to replicate.

  3. #23
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    Way to bring this one back from the dead Chris!

    Personally I really just use the dremel as a problem solver. I do most other stuff by hand and with power tools when I have them. The dremel has a lot of good solutions for when you don't know how else to get something done. Really, there is no solution to sanding a blade that will turn out better than good old hand sanding.

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