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  1. #21
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    im in the cut it down camp but a bit of a twist
    as if you dont like the shorter blade (mine is 1 and 7/8 long ) maybe see if you can find one of the nice ladys on the forum thats looking so you could get a bit of you $ back while shoppin for that nezt razor

    maybe a wedge this time so its stronger
    i too liek the lock bax for it tho

  2. #22
    Junior Member GulleyOwl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Red View Post
    sorry, I messed up, not classic shaving.

    I'm terribly sorry for you. the worst thing is when you dont' have a lot of dough, but save up for the nicest you can afford, figuring you only will get the one, then someting like this.

    I do agree with the hose suggestion, about a 3ft length off a spare garden hose will work, just DON'T use the end with the threads, keep that grip side or you will leave marks.

    You're right on. I got a really nice one, even though I was short on cash, thinking that I would have it for the rest of my life, no muss no fuss. Apparently the universe doesn't approve.

  3. #23
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    Yes, it's a real shame. Perhaps you could booby trap your new razor box with the salvageable sections of the old razor so that anyone trying to use it without your direct supervision will lose a finger for their efforts. If that's too much work I'm sure you have a bar of soap and an old sock laying around (works as well as garden hose and you don't need an alibi for keeping them around.
    Best of luck in finding a replacement.

  4. #24
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Perfect timing

    Gulley Owl:
    Listen my friend, sometimes good luck follows bad luck...

    Here is the good luck... I just received a package from one of our Senior members here, filled with razors to be honed and re-conditioned, under the promise that together with my restoration and honing, and his anonymous generosity that we would give them away...

    Please PM me your address and I will get one honed up and out in the mail to you...ASAP

    GO SRP !!!!

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    GulleyOwl (03-01-2009)

  6. #25
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    Wow, now that is a good couple of guys there. Excellent gentlemen you and mr. anonymous.


  7. #26
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Sweet! Good on you, Glen! And the anonymous "Senior Member"--you rock!

  8. #27
    Member flampen85's Avatar
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    That sucks! That guy seriously should give you some compensation. He should not be messing with your stuff in the first place and then do something really stupid with it? Sorry man. Thats awfully nice of you Glen, your the man!!

  9. #28
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    Thumbs up

    Glenn, cheers man! Good on ya!

    I definitely think your mate needs to buy a new blade, or at least some shave creams or a strop if he can't afford to buy you a new blade now, that's really some BS if he doesn't at least offer to replace it ot close to it.

    My only advice to you is if your at college, don't go for such a pricey blade, go for a Wapi or Double Arrow, something that can be easily replaced for like 30 40 bucks.

    I wouldnt bring my W&B to college back in the day, ok very back in the day 10 years ago now lol.
    Heck I wouldn't bring my Wapi either lol.


  10. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirshavesalot View Post
    I definitely think your mate needs to buy a new blade, or at least some shave creams or a strop if he can't afford to buy you a new blade now, that's really some BS if he doesn't at least offer to replace it or close to it.
    If you can't afford to replace another's belonging, then don't mess with it.

    Sorry that your nice Wacker was ruined.
    Triple cheers for Glen and Mr. Anonymous.

    Good luck,

  11. #30
    Junior Member GulleyOwl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Gulley Owl:
    Listen my friend, sometimes good luck follows bad luck...

    Here is the good luck... I just received a package from one of our Senior members here, filled with razors to be honed and re-conditioned, under the promise that together with my restoration and honing, and his anonymous generosity that we would give them away...

    Please PM me your address and I will get one honed up and out in the mail to you...ASAP

    GO SRP !!!!

    I honestly don't have a large enough vocabulary to thank you and the anonymous Mother Theresa, but please accept my wholly inadequate thanks nonetheless.

    p.s. THANK YOU!!!

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