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Thread: Double Arrow Quality ?????

  1. #81
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    as soon as i get home tonight

    /don't think i won't do it
    I am curious to see how you chose to alter the DE so that a set of scales could be attached to it with any kind of practical functionality. Also, I am just wondering if this should be moved to the DE forum?
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  2. #82
    Freakin' Ladies Man Hillie's Avatar
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    Perhaps Slartibartfast made a typo and meant DA?

  3. #83
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    I am curious to see how you chose to alter the DE so that a set of scales could be attached to it with any kind of practical functionality. Also, I am just wondering if this should be moved to the DE forum?
    hmm.. maybe something like this. use it like a japanese straight.

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  4. #84
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    I am curious to see how you chose to alter the DE so that a set of scales could be attached to it with any kind of practical functionality. Also, I am just wondering if this should be moved to the DE forum?

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  5. #85
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post

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    Now we're talking!

    Could you also show us your double sided blade buffing technique?

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  6. #86
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    I can't believe I've not noticed this DA bash fest. It had to be brought to my attention. As most of you know, I have sold a bunch of DA razors. I have finished them and honed them up and added a entry level strop with the setup and kept my mail carrier busy picking up boxes for over a year. At first I had some issues with them. Once I solved how to correct issues like the crocked pivot pins, missaligned holes, I have had very few issues with them and almost none with the steel. It's the scales that give me the most problems. The biggest problem I see is guys getting the original Double Arrow with the tang stamped with crossed arrows and the number 66 and confussing them with the white scaled DA. The original black scaled DA will not hold an edge. I've gotten them to where they can pop hairs but not shave for a whole shave. I recommend requesting a refund and the manufacturer has refuned them. The ones with the white scales are a whole different animal. The steel is very good and lately it's been better then some of the low end Dovo that have come across my bench. It has been my experience that the DA holds an edge as well as most other razors. The DA isn't the same as my Livi but it still gives a great shave.

    Seraphim does wonders with re-scaling and modifications with them. I do a few re-scales on them but I take only a few custom jobs for scales. I have more then enough restoration jobs and custom strop orders to keep me busy.

    It boils down to personal preference. I like the DA and it serves a very significant role in introducing a lot of guys to straight razor shaving. Both the Wapi and the DA have contributed to the growth of straights. Back in the day when I started using a straight (and no, it wasn't made out of flint) I would have enjoyed the experience much more had I had either one of these razors.

  7. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Kenrup For This Useful Post:

    Hillie (06-08-2009), littlesilverbladefromwale (06-04-2009), pjrage (06-04-2009), rosicrux (01-21-2010)

  8. #87
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    As I said on another forum on this issue, so I'll post it here as well:

    I'd be interested what someone's unbiased opinion was though. If I did not clearly state that I used a DA for my customized work, what would someone's opinion be of it? The fact that it had a fancy back, some swooping thumbnotches, and fancy scales. If I said that it was a true custom razor and charged $300 for it, I think the psychology of the person using it would determine what his estimation of the shave was.

    Again, it is easy for someone to say "well I feel that the DAs shave like caa-caa". And perhaps they do. Another guy may say "these things shave like a velvet glove running across your face!". And again, that may very well be true. But those are subjective opinions that are difficult to parse out what is really going on, and what is perceived to be going on (i.e.- "Hmm, I'm shaving with a $9 better not be as nice as my $300 Double Duck!").

    I've been shaving with this one all this past week.
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  9. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    As I said on another forum on this issue, so I'll post it here as well:

    I'd be interested what someone's unbiased opinion was though. If I did not clearly state that I used a DA for my customized work, what would someone's opinion be of it? The fact that it had a fancy back, some swooping thumbnotches, and fancy scales. If I said that it was a true custom razor and charged $300 for it, I think the psychology of the person using it would determine what his estimation of the shave was.

    Again, it is easy for someone to say "well I feel that the DAs shave like caa-caa". And perhaps they do. Another guy may say "these things shave like a velvet glove running across your face!". And again, that may very well be true. But those are subjective opinions that are difficult to parse out what is really going on, and what is perceived to be going on (i.e.- "Hmm, I'm shaving with a $9 better not be as nice as my $300 Double Duck!").

    I've been shaving with this one all this past week.
    I consider myself unbiased. I'm just a guy who bought a DA because they are cheap and people said the steel is good. So I gave one a shot. I didn't really care if it's the best razor I own, or the worst, and I didn't really have any expectations of it.

    As I've said recently, mine was a complete b!tch to hone, but maybe not any worse than some other "more respectable" new blades from certain manufacturers, I don't know, I've not honed any of those. And maybe some DAs hone easy as pie, I don't know that either as I've only done one.

    I thought it took a good edge and shaves as well as many of my vintage razors, and better than some of them. It's not my favorite or best razor, and I have many that I consider to give a better shave, and of course the scales are garbage, but IMHO it's a perfectly acceptable razor. I wouldn't even be too mad if I paid $30 or $40 for it. At $14 or so, it's a steal.

    I've not used any custom razor by any of the talented custom razor crafters out there, but it was my impression that they use some of the best steel and that their razors are top notch in every way. Trying to leave out any bias, I'll be honest here. If I paid $300 for a DA, even not knowing it's a DA and thinking it's a custom that someone hand crafted or whatever, and in that respect, being successfully "tricked," if I got the same shave from that $300 razor that I get from my DA, I would be disappointed. I would have expected such a "custom" razor to be among my favorites and shave downright exceptional, and, while my DA is a good shaver, it doesn't fit this bill.

    I do think, however, that your modded DAs are beautiful and at a perfectly reasonable pricepoint. I personally think the DAs hone up nice enough that you aren't wasting your time at all. I'll probably end up buying one from you eventually myself, but I just don't have the money for one right now. Does that tell you anything? I've actually used a DA myself, and I'm happy enough with the shaves that I would pay $125 (or whatever you're asking) for one of your custom modded ones.

  10. #89
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    There are two serious flaws with DA's
    1 The scales are not very well made or fitted
    2 They are not made in the UK

  11. #90
    Member jcw122's Avatar
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    About to shave with my KenRup DA right now actually

    Quote Originally Posted by littlesilverbladefromwale View Post
    There are two serious flaws with DA's
    1 The scales are not very well made or fitted
    2 They are not made in the UK
    I'm a bit of a new shaver, but I haven't found any operational problems with my scales, lol. I don't feel like they are preventing me from shaving any better than some super fancy scales.

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