if you don't want to help me, that's your prerogative, but why go through the trouble to post just to provoke me? what the hell?
It's all attitude, sport. I'm not trying to provoke you. Only trying to point out that some of us appreciate seeing a little effort on the questioner's part. You don't seem to be "asking" for help, you are "expecting" it without having to even let your fingers do a little bit of the walking.

You show up and admittedly say you are too lazy to look for your own answers. What? Your time is more valuable than everyone else's? You can't be bothered by menial tasks? But you expect us to search it out for you or author an hour's response because you don't feel like looking for the answer yourself? Where is the respect for everyone here in that?

If you had said you were having a tough time navigating the site, or spent an hour searching and couldn't find your answers, you'd get more answers than you would ever need from everyone. You didn't even ask to be directed to the answer or how to find it. Seems to me that you wanted it personalized with a bow on it.

Sorry if I don't like the attitude... I'll try to be more understanding in the future.