Apology accepted.

Re-pinning. You will need 1/16" brass rod and #0 brass washers. www.microfasteners.com for the washers.

I would suggest trying out on a thin piece of wood or something first.

Drill 1/16" hole. insert rod and cut to length leaving approx 0.5mm each side. Fit washers and then making sure the underside one doesn't fall off gently peen with a small ball-peen hammer. If you don't know what one of these are it has a small rounded ball shaped head on one side.
Tap gently, turn over, tap gently. This will eventually make a rivet. When I say tap gently, if you hgit yoiur thumb and it hurts, it's too hard.

When you are confident try it on your razor.

I hope this helps.
