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Thread: I can't believe I just did this....

  1. #31
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    You know, MJ just bring that Puma to the meet I'll show you a trick or two

    One simple easy to follow rule when using a Dremel, keep the edge of the razor on something, whether it be a Jig or a piece of soft pine, keep the edge down, and it will be much safer...
    Thanks Glen, that's exactly what I do. I have a pine topped work surface that I use (It was an old TV Tray that I stole from the wifes set) when I do anything with the dremmel. I try and keep the edge down at all times, facing me, with the dremmel turning away from me (makes the wheel go WITH the edge). This time however, something possessed me to tip it up so I could get an angle on the tang grind. It happened so fast I didn't even realize it had happened for a second. I just about pooped myself. It was close. Then when I took a good look at it, I wanted to cry. I stomped around the house, almost kicked the dogs (my frustration only goes SO FAR!!), tried to call a few friends, no one home, came here and posted this thread, just so I could get it off my chest.

    When the wife got home, I whined to her for at least 30 minutes. Cussed the dremmel, cussed all razors, cussed the antique shop where I found it, cussed all PUMA's cuz they are so darn nice. Then I cussed myself for the rest of the night. That's a lot of cussing!!!

    I felt better by bedtime, but not much...

    Then I had dreams about all my razors. Every one of them I went to use in my dream had a chip in it. Cut my face, it was a terrible nightmare.

    I woke up tired and grumpy. Dang razors... I went to work still thinking about my Puma...

    Having Glen say so casually 'bring it to the meet, I'll show you a few tricks' makes it seem as if it's not as bad as I think it is.

    Everytime I get a razor I really, really love, something bad has happened to it. Now I am terrified to get my Genco XX honed. Surely, just because I love it, something terrible will happen.

    Man, I sure get attached to certain razors. This was one of them. My Genco, my W&B, my Challenges, and the Worth and Sons I lost earlier. I love all of them in turn and if anything happened to them I don't know what I would do.

    This one, if it is trashed, would make the 3rd razor I have lost since starting this hobby. I really do not like this part of the process. I cracked a super nice G. Felix Gloriawerks, had my Worths Supreme crack on the hones, now I take a chip out of my Puma.

    I may have to seriously reconsider doing this myself. For my own well being I may just have to send out the rest for restoration. I don't think I could take another one like this.

    Man, I am still so upset. I will get over it. Beer tends to do that, and it is Friday night. (TGIF)!!!

    Thank you all for being my support group. You helped a lot!! Thanks!!

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    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  2. #32
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjhammer View Post
    Thanks Glen, that's exactly what I do. I have a pine topped work surface that I use (It was an old TV Tray that I stole from the wifes set) when I do anything with the dremmel. I try and keep the edge down at all times, facing me, with the dremmel turning away from me (makes the wheel go WITH the edge). This time however, something possessed me to tip it up so I could get an angle on the tang grind. It happened so fast I didn't even realize it had happened for a second. I just about pooped myself. It was close. Then when I took a good look at it, I wanted to cry. I stomped around the house, almost kicked the dogs (my frustration only goes SO FAR!!), tried to call a few friends, no one home, came here and posted this thread, just so I could get it off my chest.

    When the wife got home, I whined to her for at least 30 minutes. Cussed the dremmel, cussed all razors, cussed the antique shop where I found it, cussed all PUMA's cuz they are so darn nice. Then I cussed myself for the rest of the night. That's a lot of cussing!!!

    I felt better by bedtime, but not much...

    Then I had dreams about all my razors. Every one of them I went to use in my dream had a chip in it. Cut my face, it was a terrible nightmare.

    I woke up tired and grumpy. Dang razors... I went to work still thinking about my Puma...

    Having Glen say so casually 'bring it to the meet, I'll show you a few tricks' makes it seem as if it's not as bad as I think it is.

    Everytime I get a razor I really, really love, something bad has happened to it. Now I am terrified to get my Genco XX honed. Surely, just because I love it, something terrible will happen.

    Man, I sure get attached to certain razors. This was one of them. My Genco, my W&B, my Challenges, and the Worth and Sons I lost earlier. I love all of them in turn and if anything happened to them I don't know what I would do.

    This one, if it is trashed, would make the 3rd razor I have lost since starting this hobby. I really do not like this part of the process. I cracked a super nice G. Felix Gloriawerks, had my Worths Supreme crack on the hones, now I take a chip out of my Puma.

    I may have to seriously reconsider doing this myself. For my own well being I may just have to send out the rest for restoration. I don't think I could take another one like this.

    Man, I am still so upset. I will get over it. Beer tends to do that, and it is Friday night. (TGIF)!!!

    Thank you all for being my support group. You helped a lot!! Thanks!!

    LMAO BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  3. #33
    Senior Member dirtychrome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BKratchmer View Post
    Yes, I think the best takeaway lesson here is: Dremels are not restoration tools!
    and/or use care with all tools.

    This afternoon, started the buffer, touched compound to the wheel only to have the buffer try to kick it out of my hand. The buffer was spinning backwards.

    Turned off, hand spun the right way, and starts/stops fine now.
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  5. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtychrome View Post
    and/or use care with all tools.

    This afternoon, started the buffer, touched compound to the wheel only to have the buffer try to kick it out of my hand. The buffer was spinning backwards.

    Turned off, hand spun the right way, and starts/stops fine now.
    Wow, now that's a new one. Who would have thought????

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  6. #35
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjhammer View Post
    when I do anything with the dremmel. I try and keep the edge down at all times, facing me, with the dremmel turning away from me (makes the wheel go WITH the edge).

    When the wife got home, I whined to her for at least 30 minutes. Cussed the dremmel, cussed all razors, cussed the antique shop cussed all PUMA's cuz they are so darn nice. Then I cussed myself for the rest of the night. That's a lot of cussing!!!

    I felt better by bedtime, it was a terrible nightmare.

    I woke up tired and grumpy. Dang razors...

    Therein lies the problemo, Mike! You put the edge down, facing you, and whirl away away from you? You must whirl the other way, My Man! Toward the edge! not at the edge, but with the edge, as stropping! I don't understand what you were saying ,but it would be impossible to inflict that damage going the right way?
    Last edited by sharptonn; 07-09-2011 at 04:24 AM.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  7. #36
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Therein lies the problemo, Mike! You put the edge down, facing you, and whirl away away from you? You must whirl the other way, My Man! Toward the edge! not at the edge, but with the edge, as stropping! I don't understand what you were saying ,but it would be impossible to inflict that damage going the right way?
    Sorry, I've clouded your vision.. The top of the wheel moves away, so the bottom goes with the blade so it can't catch.

    I would have been fine had I not lifted the razor off the surface in a moment of pure stupidity to polish the tang some more. I shouldn't have lifted the dang razor. All was good until that point. I never should have tried to polish with the razor in the air. That's the biggest lesson I think I have learned here now. First, don't hit it with the dremmel if it is not flat and secured. Second, never, repeat, never lift the razor (or have it moving) while the power tool is running.

    At least I think those are the lessons I was supposed to learn.

    I asked my wife that very question.. Ok, God wanted me to learn something here, what was it exactly???? Not to covet razors?? Everyone I covet seems to get hurt somehow. Or, was it not to be prideful. I was dying to finish this one off and show it off. Or, was it simply to USE YOUR BRAINS, instead of taking chances.

    I guess I learned many lessons here actually, I can only hope it's the right one!!

    Thanks folks, I appreciate that you guys care as much about razors as I do.

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  8. #37
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Your're good! Holding it by one hand and working on it with another is like texting and driving! Kill the thread and forget about it! like I said......we all have done it!~
    Last edited by sharptonn; 07-09-2011 at 05:00 AM.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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  10. #38
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    Ok, for all who were interested and helped out when I was in trouble, here are the results.

    Those of us who watch the SOTD threads have already seen the results and heard me talk about how great it is. To close this thread out properly, Glen mentioned that he hadn't seen a results post showing the resulting repair Glen pulled out of his A** for me.

    To be truthful, I almost died when he took my messed up Puma, put it edge down on a DMT and started working it back and forth. The look I gave my wife (who was at the meet with my youngest son) made her laugh like crazy. It was a sphincter grabber for sure. Glen laughed at me as well, he knew what was coming, but I didn't.

    Glen finished up the chips, explaining as we went what he was doing and why he was doing it. When he had it close enough to the end of the deepest chip, he stopped, showed us all what it looked like, then honed it like only Glen can do!!!

    This Puma is now the crown jewel in the collection. It actually surpassed the Genco I love so much in shave smoothness.

    Here is my post from the SOTD with my finished, shaved with Puma 'My Darling' in all her glory!

    What a great razor. Truly the best shaver in my collection. There are a few others that are really close, but just don't match up.

    Enjoy mates!! And thanks to all of you who supported me when I needed it most.

    Best always,

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    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  11. #39
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Thanks Mike, I missed the SOTD thread, so I was wondering how she shaved
    The Video from the meet actually came out pretty good on this, I really wish you had been facing the camera more though, hehehe the look on your face was priceless...

    I need to edit some of it out, and I'll get it up on the Web and link it here...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 07-28-2011 at 11:26 PM.
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  13. #40
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    Great thread.

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